''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat.
''...because I fell for you too''
People... we reached 3.1k. The F... I'm jungshook. I decided to update since I put off some weight of my list of school T ^ T.
Hansol's house was, to my surprise, immense then I suspected. He hasn't even started working yet, but I have limited knowledge only I can unlock if I understand about it. I skidaddled to the window to check if they were home but, what I saw shocked me. I barged to the door, outrageous about what he had done.
''How dare you not save me a slice of pizza!'' I jested furiously. Hansol unanticipatedly stared at me with cheese drooling from his mouth while Seungkwan tried to clean in up by stirring it in his finger and throwing it in the bin.
''It's nice to meet you too!'' Hansol smiled, ''How are you sis?''
''I'm... splendid, honestly'' I tried not to put emphasis on 'honestly' otherwise it would like I was lying.
''Y'know, you're an utter hypocrite.'' He stood up his stool and intertwined his hand on his boyfriend's. ''Come now, now that you're here, let's watch a movie?'' I nodded in correspondence and sat beside him, fidgeting in my position.
''What's the movie?'' I asked curiously
''Oh! It's the new release and surprisingly still trending. Avengers: Endgame.'' Seungkwan squealed excitedly as he switched the T.V on, surfing for the movie eagerly. Hansol grabbed packets of nachos and opened them up, sending a mouth-drooling aroma in the room. As the lights shut off, the movie theme played and my heart did sad and happy somersaults since I heard this is the last of Marvel. (Sorry Marvel fans T ^ T).
''Eee~'' Seungkwan shrieked in excitement while I widely grinned. It started off with Hawkeye teaching Lila archery until everything disappeared, faded off
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The movie got interrupted by a ringtone of my phone. I groaned in annoyance and excused myself. I sat up and dusted the crumbs off my leggings. I walked far away from the living room and into a hallway. I picked up the phone:
''Hello who's this?''
''Jimin, Lee Fcking Y/N. Where the hell are you?!''
''Uh, in Hansol's house?''
'' *groans* Didn't you remember about the meeting I told you?! We're gonna be late if you don't reach here in 5 minutes!''
. . .
I dropped the phone and made a run for it. I got my skateboard and forgot to say goodbye. I jumped on my skateboard and skidded to the house. Once I arrived, I bashed through the door and barreled to my room. I gasped for air and jogged to the bathroom, showering swiftly. I wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. I changed into the dress Jimin picked for me and applied makeup. Miraculously, my hair dried and turned into soft, bouncy curls. I wore my heels and walked rapidly downstairs, receiving stares from my 'husband'
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