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I decided to wait for them again the next night, and they didn't show. I didn't know if I'd try again the night after that, but when the sun went down, I knew I had to.

I wasn't sure if they would show up or not, but I had to at least try. Just one last time. Just to be sure.

They were my only hope of escape.

I took the flower with me, even though it was wilting. I snuck out, then went down into the tunnel to wait.

I knew if I left on my own, Nico would find me again. I was sure of it.

So I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And just when I was about to go back up to my room, defeated, I heard something from the entrance of the tunnel. Voices. They were whisper-shouting at each other.

"Go, go, go, go!" a man's voice said.

A woman's voice replied, "I am!"

"Well, you're going very slowly!" the man said.

"Do you want me to fall?!"

Then, the sound of their footsteps made its way closer to me. I stopped in my tracks, half wondering if I was imagining it all.

Then, two figures appeared in the darkness.


SAHLO FOLINA &lt; tyler joseph x reader &gt;Where stories live. Discover now