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We made it back to camp pretty soon after we entered Trench. Tyler and I talked on the way there - mostly about Trench and the Banditos, but about ourselves, too.

He had the biggest smile on his face when we arrived at camp. The other Banditos welcomed him with open arms. He had a short meeting with all of the leaders while the rest of the group unpacked.

I found him by the unlit fire fifteen minutes later, sitting alone - despite other Banditos sitting near him - and taking it all in. He smiled wider when he noticed me. "I love it out here."

I smiled, too and sat down next to him. "Me, too."

"I can't believe I live out here now. That's just... That's crazy to me," he said. "I never imagined it'd be as good as this."

"Well, you've been out here before," I replied, referencing his failed escape.

He snorted lightly. "Yeah, but I didn't really have much time to look at the scenery."

I laughed a little. "I guess not."

It went silent after that, but it was a comfortable silence. We just sat, looking up at the sky. The sun was starting to set by then. It was beautiful.

I looked over at Tyler, then - at the amazed and mesmerized look on his face. I noticed the way his mouth was slightly open and the way it turned up at the corners. The way his eyes were lit up - either due to the sun hitting them or his elation at finally being free.

Yes, I'd thought.

Beautiful, indeed.


My new life as a Bandito was better than I could've ever hoped. For once in my life, it felt like I really belonged to something. Even though I was only close with a few Banditos - Y/N, Josh, Debby, Clancy, and Graham - I always knew I could count on anyone in camp.

I relied on Y/N when I needed help, though.

Ever since that moment in the canyon, I couldn't stop thinking about her - in a more than friend sort of way. I tried to just let it go because I thought she'd never feel the same way, but she really had a way of making that difficult. And she wasn't even trying.

I had a sneaking suspicion that Graham knew; I often got distracted while with Y/N - especially when she was telling or teaching me something about the Banditos. Whenever she would catch me staring, I'd look away from her. A few times, my eyes found Graham's, and he winked at me. He never actually talked to me about it, though, which I was grateful for.

If I was honest, I didn't even want to think about it.

I was certain she didn't feel the same way about me - that she never could. It never even crossed my mind that I might be wrong.


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