I need to get my girl back

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Hi loves, I know I've been updating slow & stuff, but don't give up on me. My motivation level has been 0 lately, I don't know why. I gots to do better though. Here's another chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy 💞

-How can you expect someone to love you when you don't love yourself ? -Lyn


Devasted, Dissappointed, Destroyed. Those are a few words to describe how I'm feeling. How could he do this to me ? I loved that man like no other. how could he just up & leave me at this time of need ? He says I deserve better, but he is better. I deserve him !

It's been 3 days since the break up. Royalty hasn't called or stopped by. I'm starting to think we weren't meant to be from the beginning. Have you loved someone more than you loved yourself ? Their feelings & well-being were always first? That's how I felt with Royalty now I just have this empty space in my heart. All I can do is pray.

Since the break up I've moved in with my dad. He's been being encouraging with the whole breakup. He never once threw the Royalty thing back in my face & I appreciate that. Why did my mom leave him ? He is such a caring man. He makes sure I'm okay before he leaves, cooks when I'm hungry, & even sits and listen to my sob stories. I wish I could've met him earlier but God does everything for a reason.

Today I have to go pick up my degree from college. I was kind of sad about missing graduation but I got over it. I hopped up out the bed & threw on my Love Pink VS sweat suit & my Ugg boots. I put my hair up in a ponytail & grabbed my purse and headed for the door. My dad works a lot so he isn't really at home much. I grabbed my keys to my BMW & headed to the school.

When I got to the school I headed to the guidance counselor to get my stuff so I could get out of here as soon as possible, I'm starving.

"hello I'm here to see Mrs.Price about my degree." I smiled politely at the older women behind the desk.

"Go right ahead. first door on the right." she smiled back

I followed her directions & knocked politely on the door before hearing a "Come In" being yelled. I walked in the room & he's smell automatically hit me. I knew that smell from anywhere. I woke up smelling it for 3 months.

"Hello Ms.Young, have a seat" she waved.

When she said my name he turned around looking shocked. he looked different, almost like he hadn't slept in days but yet he looked to good. The un-shaved hair on his face gave him a rough look that had me staring. I quickly looked away when I noticed what I was doing.

"No Thanks, I'm just here to get my degree." I smiled weakly. Being in his presence makes me have to many emotions. I'm happy, angry, turned-on. My retarded ass hormones. I guessed Mrs.Price noticed the tension between us & quickly handed me my degree.

I quickly grabbed it and thanked Mrs.Price & hurried out her office. I couldn't be near him right now, it wasn't healthy. I couldn't face him right now.

"Mahogany!" I heard him yell & I took off running. I didn't want to talk. He had officially broken my heart. I quickly made it to my car & hopped in to only see Royalty standing in front of my car blocking me from leaving.

"Please let me explain" he yelled. I wasn't hearing it though. If he wanted to talk he should've never broken up with me. I started my car, backed all the way down the street and sped off. I had apartments to go look for.

As of right now I'm through with Royalty.


Royalty's POV

Watching the hurt in her eyes was eating me up inside. I wish she would understand that I'm doing this for her well-being. What her father said was right. I can't love Mahogany like she deserves to be loved. I sell drugs for a living that's no life that she deserves.

I hopped in my car & headed to the house. I wasn't about to follow her, I already know she staying with her Dad. Just cause we ain't together don't mean I ain't keeping tabs on her ass. I make sure somebody following her every time she leave the house. I know that's crazy right ? I let her go to only watch her more. Makes no sense right ? I miss that woman like crazy though. I just lay in sniff her pillow. I miss her smell, her smile, even her corny ass jokes. it was stupid for letting her go, I know but what her dad was spitting was true. As long as I'm in the game, it will always come first. I got to get my mind right.

I headed to my main man Danny house to chill. At least I still got him. I made it to Danny's condo & made my way in. I got a key to all my workers house.

"Yo Danny where your ass at?" I yelled while looking through the fridge. This nigga walked in with some Spongebob drawers on, head looking a mess, & smelling like straight ass.

"what the hell happened to you?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Man I'm having a rough week. Chrissy won't answer the phone or let me come see them. I'm going threw withdrawal." this dude look like he was about to cry. Shit I guess both of us were miserable. I couldn't let my man look like this

"Man go put on some clothes so we can go get some to eat. we'll talk there." 30 min later Danny walked out smelling & looking a lil better then before. he still had a sad ass look in his face though.

I sped off & headed to Waffle House. Back when we first starting slagging we use to sit here, eat, & talk cause it was the only thing still open during those times of the night. We had real men conversation there. It wasn't any holding back we let all our emotions & feeling out to each other. Danny was my brother. He knew everything about me, including the time when one of my momma's boyfriends tried to molest me. That's how much I trusted Danny.

I finally got to the Waffle House & was seated. I knew he had some stuff on his chest, but I wasn't gone make him talk.

"I got another girl pregnant." he blurted out causing me to spit out my tea.

"You what ?" I knew I just heard what he said but I wasn't understanding.

"I supposedly got this chick Katrina pregnant. She called me the other day & Chrissy answered. She left me. I can't live without that girl bro, she my rib. I'm not gone make it without her." I felt my nigga pain. I was going through it with Mahogany gone. So I know how he feeling.

"Bro, I'm telling you. You better keep Mahogany. She gone be the only hope you got for getting yourself right. I know you don't wanna sell no more. I can tell, you ain't into like you use to be & quite frankly I ain't digging it no more myself. I got to get right for my family." I nodded & dug into my food. What Danny's was saying was stuck in my head. "You better keep Mahogany"

So I guess that's it, huh ? either it's the game or Mahogany.

"I need to get my girl back"


Okay you guys, whatcha think ??? I need you guys to comment & let me know if y'all digging it or nah. When I write I try to be myself. let my inner thoughts channel into what I'm writing. I enjoy doing it. It let's me into a different world for a while. Well I hope you guys enjoyed. until next time 😘

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