Chapter two

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Four years ago

Author's narrating

Now, even though Lucy was only four, she was brighter than her age. Opposing to the pictures in the house that suggests that Lucy always had bangs, it was around this age that she decided to have bangs. Yes, that's right. Lucy did not have bangs yet.

Young Lucy's P.O.V.

The twins were crying again. They seemed like they were fighting for a stuffed toy. So far, according to Mom and Dad, the twins were the most fighting daughters that they ever had. Lori got a phone a few days ago. It was Mom's hand me down phone. As soon as she got it, she was immediately hooked. She was texting her friends all weekend.

Today, Lori was out with her friends at the mall. Leni stayed home to watch a fashion show on the TV. Luna was reading a book in her room. Luan was somewhere in the house, probably setting up a prank. Lynn was at a mini soccer tournament and Lincoln was playing games with Clyde on Dad's PC. I went out of my room. I was starving. I didn’t eat anything for breakfast. I just didn’t feel like eating anything earlier. As I went down the stairs, I heard a weird slimy noise coming from above.

Young Luan's P.O.V.

I was emptying out the fridge. I only chose liquids to go in this mixture. The perfect prank. I also went outside to collect some mud and some tree sap. After collecting a sufficient amount, I brought it inside the house in a bucket. I got eggs, food coloring, a bunch of other stuff and I put it all in the bucket. I also saw some medicine that we had in our house. They went from cough drops to eye drops. I dumped all of them inside the bucket. As I set up the rope in the stairs so that the liquid fell on the person under it, I mixed the stuff in my bucket. It started to stink and smell weird. It went from a barf green color to colors changing every second. Even better, I thought to myself. I finally put the mixture on the ropes. The trap was set.

Young Lucy's P.O.V.

A weird color changing glob fell on me. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t feel. I couldn’t… move. I felt like the glob had completely swallowed me. I thought I fell down to the ground. Then, I felt it going in me. Through my mouth, trying to get some air. Trough my nose. Through my… eyes. My eyes hurt so badly. Too much pain. I think I blacked out.

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