Chapter five

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Lily's P.O.V.

(A/N: Yes, I know that Lily is just a baby and can’t talk. Imagine that she can think the words but doesn't  manage to say them. And, also, sorry for what's going to happen next. Yes, it did happen. Chris Savino tried to cover up the “accident". It didn’t work.)

I peeked over my crib to see Lisa looking at her machine. It started making beeps. Lisa looked like she typed something into the machine. The beeps got louder and louder. Lisa typed faster and faster. Then, the machine started to vibrate the room. Lisa was literally hitting the machine. After that, the machine started jumping around like a frog. I also jumped like a frog, to pretend that we were both frogs. At this point, I saw Lisa give up trying to type something in the machine and she hid under her desk. That is when the machine did a whistling sound. I stopped jumping like a frog at this point. The metal parts of the machine started to glow. The screws of the machine started to fly every where. The glass started to crack. A screw hit my arm. It hurt really badly. I was about to cry, but the I heard a boom, and the machine exploded. Multiple things went flying towards me. It hurt so much, but then, it all went black.

Lori's P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could to Lily's room. If Lisa's machine exploded and Lily didn’t cry, something was wrong. When I went to open the door, my siblings followed me. I opened the door, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

Lincoln's P.O.V.

I was right behind Lori when she opened the door. It seemed like Lisa's machine was make out of loose screws, metal and a lot of glass. I saw a lot of debris everywhere. Then, I saw a large enough piece of glass dripping red. Blood. I think I learned that from “The Harvester” movie. That means that Lily could be close to the piece of glass. I scanned the surroundings of the piece of glass. That is when I saw her. Or, at least, I think it was her. I saw Lily's disfigured head, a clean 30 centimeters away from her disfigured body.

“Guys, I… I th… think I f… found her." I said. My voice was shaky when I spoke.

“What… what is th… th… that!?!” I heard Lola say. She, too, was having trouble speaking.

Lucy's P.O.V.

“I think it's Lily" I said.

Yes, I have to keep my monotone voice to keep them from knowing what I am. If I use a different voice, it may sound different, weird or scary.

“How can you just keep that normal voice even though Lily's probably dead?!? Don’t you have feelings too? Show some respect!” I heard Lola say. Her voice was shaky. She then started to cry.

I think I could help Lily. I need to tell them that Great Grandma Harriet's book of spells work and that I can save Lily. I just have to convince them. But how?

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