Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: This chapter is a bit non-logical, but just go along with it. Use your imagination.
Also, sorry for not updating this story for over a month. I was very busy.
Kylator 5000)

Leni's P.O.V.

My phone just got a notification. I tried turning it on, but it wouldn’t work.
“Hey, Lana? My phone isn’t working.” I said.
Lana, who was sitting beside me in the kitchen, asked me what wasn’t working.
“It won't turn on Lana.”
I kept on pressing the side button, but it still didn’t turn on.
“Give it to me.” She said.
When I handed my phone over to her, she immediately turned it on.
“How did you do that?” I asked, happy and surprised.
“Leni, you were pressing the volume button on the left side of your phone. The button to turn it on is on the right side of the phone.”
“Oh. Okay. Thank you Lana.”
Lana gave my phone back to me.
“Hey, the phone is off again Lana.”
“It will turn off automatically if you don’t touch the screen.”
“Wait, what is that word, adomacly?”
“The word is automatically, it means by itself, Leni. The phone will turn off by itself.”
“Thank you again Lana!”
Lana started to leave the kitchen.
“The phone won’t turn on again, Lana.”
“Turn it on by pressing the button on the right side Leni!”
“Which side is right?”
“Press each button and you will find out!” She shouted before leaving the kitchen.
I turned the phone on finally and saw a message from Lucy.
Sibling meeting in Lori's room in five minutes, share it with the family, don't tell them that I told you.

Lucy's P.O.V.

“Why would you send it to Leni, out of everyone else?” Lincoln asked me.
“I am pretty sure that she doesn’t know about what happened to us."
“Are you sure that you’ll be fine?” Lily asked me.
“What if they try to kill you?” Lincoln asked.
Stop! Please don’t stress me out.” I shouted. “This was the best option that I could think of. Hopefully, our siblings will believe us.”
I snuck us into Lori's room, though a spell. When we arrived, we saw that Lori was tied to her bed with a rope.
“Gaah!” She screamed when we arrived. “Who… Who are you?”
“Sibling meeting in Lori's room!” I heard Leni shout.
“Wait. Lucy? Lincoln?” Lori questioned.
“Lily, Lincoln, go in that closet over there,” I pointed at Leni and Lori's walk-in closet, while ignoring Lori's questions. “Stay there until I tell you to go.”
“Okay.” They said in unison.
“Now, Lori, you will keep quiet. You do not want to mess around with me.” I menaced.
“What did I just say?”
The door to the room started to open. I hid behind Lori's bed.
“Hey! Girls! Lucy was just here and she-" Lori never finished her sentence because I froze her, like I did to Lincoln earlier in the attic.
“She what, Lori?” Lola asked in her sassy tone when Lori didn’t finish her sentence.
I teleported right behind Luna, who was last in line to get into the room and I pushed all my siblings into the room. Afterwards, I slammed the door and barricaded it.

Luna's P.O.V.

“Ahh!” I shouted when someone pushed me from behind. I fell into the room, making Leni, Luan and Lana fall into it too.
“Get up now.” A voice said.
Lucy, I thought.
“I said get up!”
The voice sounded like it came from everywhere at once.
“Get up!”
I snapped out of it and got up.
“Alright, where to start?”
I looked around the room for Lucy but didn’t find her.
My eyes fell on Lori, who seemed frozen in time.
“Dudes? Something's not right!” I shouted at my siblings.

Lincoln's P.O.V.

Lucy told her secret to our family. She hid in the closet with Lily and I, and she made a spell for her voice to project all over the room at once.
She then explained about the woman, the person making all of these horrors to her, by controlling our family.
At last, she talked about Lily, how she is alive.
Lucy finally unfroze Lori.

Luan's P.O.V.

“Lucy's a vampire? What?” Lola questioned.
“I don’t give a flip about what she said, she needs to die so that there won’t be anymore vampires.” Luna said.
“Wait, maybe we can just not kill her, and instead, help her.” I suggested, trusting Lucy.
“Oh, so you believe her? Really? I thought you were smarter!”
Lucy appeared in the middle of the room.
Lola took out a stake.
“I knew this would come in handy one day.” She said hastily.
“Lola, just wait!” Lana shouted.
Now, this is when all hell breaks loose.
Lola dives into Lucy, stake first.
I body check Lola out of the way.
Luna pulls out a knife from her pocket and starts charging at me.
I tried wrestling the stake out of Lola's hand.
Luna tried to stab me, but she missed and hit Lola, making her weaker, so I ripped the stake out of her hand.
Luna went to stab me again, but I ducked and ran behind Lori's bed.
I snapped the stake in half as I feel an arm grab me and make me stuck on the bed.
Lori was grabbing my arm, making me unable to run away. In turn, I twisted her hand until she let go, but she only let me go when I heard a bone shattering crack at her wrist. She shrieked in pain.
I look up to see Luna about to attack me again.
She started to lift the knife, but Lana jumped on her arm, rendering it impossible.
Luna put her knife in her other hand and stabbed Lana multiple times.
“Lana!” I cried.
“Luan, it's too late for her, get out before it's you!” Lincoln shouted at me, as I saw that he stood at the door.
I looked at Lana, crying in pain.
“I’m so sorry Lana.” I cried.
I got one final look at Lana, bloodied and still getting stabbed before I ran out of the room.
Upon running out, I followed Lincoln outside of the house, where Lucy and a girl was waiting.
“Follow me! We don’t have much time!” Lucy said.
“Lana, she-" I started.
“I know. I am sorry.”
Lucy started to run, so we followed her.
“Thank you for trusting me, Luan. I know that Lana and you trusted me. Believe me, I am very sorry for Lana.” She finally spoke up when we were far enough away from the Loud House.
“Who are you?” I asked the girl.
“Lily.” She responded.
“Guys, we arrived.” Lucy said. It was Dad's old office, from the time he was an IT guy. The building was 120 feet tall.
In the background, I heard screaming. It was a mob of people, with stakes in their hands.
“What did the woman do? Did she just bring thousands of people to hunt me down?” Lucy said.
After a silence, she spoke up again. “I should have never told my secret to our siblings.”

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