Christmas special (has mostly nothing to do with the main story)

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9 days before Christmas

Author's Narrating

Imagine if two of Nickelodeon's shows got together. Yeah, that already happened. Now, what if "The Fairly Oddparents" and "The Loud House" combined. This is that story.

Timmy Turner was adopted by the Loud family when he was 10. His original parents really didn't treat him well and the child services took him away. Since nobody wanted to adopt him in Dimsdale, they opened a portal to a different multiverse and it happened to be the multiverse where we have the Loud family in. Somehow, Timmy's fairies were allowed to come. They were also allowed to get introduced to the family. So, now, in the house, they now have Timmy, Wanda, Cosmo and Sparky added to the family. His room was in the basement. The Louds have finally decided to finish the basement. This was all six months ago. It is now near Christmas.

Lana's P.O.V.

I woke up from a wonderful sleep. It was the best sleep I ever had since a very long time. Christmas will come in 9 days and I am really pumped for it. Today, Mom and Dad promised us that we will go and get our Christmas tree. I saw Lola still sleeping. It must be early. I went to look at the time. 10 AM and no sound at all in the house. It is never this quiet this late in the morning. Something's wrong. I slowly creeped out of my room without waking Lola up. As I got out of the room, I heard a lot of noise like how it's supposed to be in the morning. Maybe Timmy wished that the house's walls are soundproof. I'm glad that Mom and Dad adopted Timmy.

Timmy's P.O.V.

"Wanda, I wish that the house's walls were soundproof." I told Wanda, while I still drowsy. I wanted to sleep a little more.
"Good idea. I think that Poof is starting to wake up. You see, she didn't have enough sleep last night."
Wanda made the walls soundproof.
"Thank you." I said, falling back to sleep.
Man, I'm tired.

Lincoln's P.O.V.

I saw Timmy come up the basement stairs.
"Good morning Timmy." Dad said.
"Hello, Mr. Loud." Timmy said.
"You know that you can call me Dad, too." Dad told him.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Good morning Dad." Timmy responded.
We were all at the kitchen table now for brunch.
"Hi Timmy!" I heard Leni say.
"Hi Leni." Timmy said.
I could tell that Timmy still uncomfortable saying good morning. Wow, his parents really didn't treat him well, I thought. Not even a good morning was said in his old house. That was quite sad. Well, luckily he can finally celebrate Christmas properly. 9 days until Christmas. I can't wait.

Lucy's P.O.V.

We all had a good brunch. Even Timmy enjoyed it.
"Alright, kids, today we will go and get a Christmas tree!" Dad told us.
A loud cheer roared up from my sisters and my two brothers.
"Get ready kids. We're going in ten minutes. Get dressed, brush your teeth and put your winter jackets on." Dad said.
The stairs were soon booming with exited feet. I didn't bother to run upstairs. I was already ready. Timmy was still in his pajamas but he didn't go downstairs to get ready. He looked sad.
"Hey, Timmy. What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's just... it's just that it's my first Christmas without my parents. Yes, they were never there, but... this is different. You girls including Lincoln care about me. My parents never cared about me." Timmy explained.
I didn't know what to say.
"Well... the past is the past, right?" I said.
"Yeah. That's true. At least, now, I'm with a family that cares for me." Timmy responded.
"Well, we are going in around seven minutes. Maybe you should get ready." I told Timmy.
"Ok. Thanks for your support Lucy. It really means a lot for me." Timmy thanked me.
"No problem Timmy." I said.

Lana's P.O.V.

After we all got in the car, Dad drove off. Now, we do have Timmy and there wasn't enough seats for him in the car, but luckily, his fairies sort of extended the car. Now, Vanzilla looks as good as new, her motor was super smooth and now, all seats are "Sweet Spots". Except for one seat, the seat directly facing Dad's rearview mirror. Surprisingly, Timmy always sat at that seat. That was fine for us, We could put our feet where we wanted to rest them. Timmy didn't have the chance to do this. Maybe since his original parents were not paying any attention to him. That was sad.

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