Chapter Fourteen

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This is the second to last chapter to this book. The final chapter should be here soon. It's going to be an epilogue. Anyways, I hope that you will enjoy this chapter.

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Leni's P.O.V.

I just stood there in shock. The big fight in my room just happened. Lola, bleeding out from the knife. Lori with a broken wrist. Luna, soaked in blood, breathing heavily. And Lana. She... she was barely recognizable. I dropped down to my knees.

Why did this happen? Why!

I broke down crying. This was all because of me, I kept on thinking. I told my siblings to go to this sibling meeting.

I cried harder.

All because of me. I could have just ignored Lucy. I could have prevented this.


She was the one that made me tell my siblings about this meeting. I need to avenge Lana. Sure, Luna did kill her, but Lucy was the reason.

I stood up.

"I'm coming for you Lucy." I said to myself. "This is for Lana."

Luna's P.O.V.

I don't know what came over me. Whatever it was, it felt good. It was fun killing Lana. It felt like she deserved it. Leni was on the floor, crying her lungs out. I didn't feel like helping Lola. I'll let her bleed out. Lori can scream all she wants about her broken wrist. I ain't helping.

Leni stood up abruptly. "I'm coming for you Lucy." She said. "This is for Lana."

Lily's P.O.V.

"Luan, Lincoln, guard the door. Don't let the mob get past." Lucy ordered them. "Lily, come with me. I gotta get to the roof of the building. It'll be too far away from the woman. She won't be able to reach me. I can bring us all to safety once I get out of the woman's reach."

We broke into the building without setting off any alarms. Lucy disabled them beforehand.

Luan and Lincoln hid beside the entrance, to fight off the mob. I have a feeling that they aren't getting out of there alive. But... Lucy will be able to resurrect them if they die, right?

I shook that thought out of my head and followed Lucy to the elevator.

"It's lost its power and I can't get it back." She said, sadly. "And I can't teleport us neither. It's like if most of my spells don't work in here."


"Yeah. It sucks, but we'll have to take the stairs."

I braced myself for the long walk up.

I followed Lucy up the stairs.

Lincoln's P.O.V.

"So, Lincoln, do you think we should get weapons?" Luan asked me.

"Yeah, let's do that."

The mob seemed far away, so we had some time.

"Hey! The kitchen is on the third floor, maybe we can find some knives there." Luan said, after looking at a directory.

"Then let's hurry."

We ran up the stairs. Lucy told me earlier that there were fifteen floors, not including the roof. Each floor was eight feet tall. That means that the third floor was twenty four feet above the main floor. I did those calculations to distract me from the unavoidable fight with the mob that will happen.

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