Chapter seven

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Lynn's P.O.V.

I saw Lucy open the attic door.
“Are you gonna help clean up the mess or what?” I asked her.
She didn’t respond. She just headed into the attic.
“Lucy! Get down here now!” Lori shouted.
Nothing happened.
“Lucy!” Luna insisted.
The attic door closed.
“Ok. That’s it! If you don’t come down right now to help us clean Lisa and Lily's room (voice breaking) right now, we will come and get you!” Lori shouted.
Lori ran to the attic door.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I need to get the book! I quickly ran out of the destroyed room and opened the attic door.
“Are you gonna help clean up or what?” Lynn asked me.
I ignored her and went in the attic.
“Lucy! Get down here now!” Lori shouted.
I continued to ignore her and went to close the door.
“Lucy!” Luna insisted.
I closed the attic door. I ran to the area where I thought the chest was. It wasn’t there. Oh no. I have to find it.
“Ok. That’s it! If you don’t come down right now to help us clean Lisa and Lily's room (voice breaking) right now, we will come and get you!” Lori shouted.
I heard booming feet head to the attic door. Find it find it come on Lucy! You can do it.
The attic door opened. I ran and hid behind a cardboard box.
“Lucy, come out now.” Lori said.
Lori went to turn on the light.
I found the chest.
The light turned on.
I went to open the chest.
Someone grabbed me by the feet and pulled me to their face.
“You, young lady, are in big trouble!” Lori shouted in my face.
“I can help Lily!” I told her.
“The only way that you can help her is by cleaning up the room!” Lori continued.
She started to drag me out of the attic. At the attic door, I tried to hold on to the edges of the door. She saw me resist and threw me out of the door.
I hit the floor with a hard thud.
“Lori! What are you doing?!?” My sisters asked her.
She ignored them.
I stood up, getting slowly angered.
Lori. You threw me ten feet to the ground!” I shouted. My voice started to sound different.
I gave up my monotone voice that sounded human. I will say what I want to say.
Lori ignored me.
You respond to me right now!” I shouted. My voice sounded more and more demonic.
My sisters started to realize that my voice changed.
NOW!” I shouted. My voice was now unrecognizable.
“Lucy! Are you alright?” I heard Lincoln ask.
I ran up the attic stairs. Lori went to push me off. I punched her in the face, making her bleed from her nose. She then went to punch me, but I blocked it and threw her over me and tumbling down the stairs.
I continued up the attic stairs. Once I got to the chest of great grandma Harriet, I calmed myself down. I then realized that I just severely hurt Lori and that my siblings now know a part of me. A part of the destroyed me. That spell book help me recover some of my own personality at a cost. Luan, your mixture created a monster that tries to control me. A monster that took a human form. Tries to overpower weaker people. I grabbed the spell book. I have to tell them my secret. That’s the only way to make Lily back alive.

Lincoln's P.O.V.

I never believed that Lucy could have that voice and strength. Is she really who she was? I remember that after Luan's glob fell on her, it just disappeared. A few days later, she became gothic. I went to help Lori. Her face looked distorted. She somehow had the same look of anger on her face.
“Lori? Are you ok?” I heard Lola ask.
Lori growled and punched Lola in the face. Lola fell down unconscious.
We were all standing there in a shocked expression at what Lori did. She then punched Luan, who somehow saw it coming and threw her back on the grown as she went to stand up. She took a prank handcuff that needed a key to get out of and tied Lori’s hands in them.
“How did you do that Luan?” I asked her.
“I used my pocket money on some karate lessons to overpower some people that bullied me.” She responded.
I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” Lori shouted.
Lana quivered in fear.
Leni was examining Lola.
“She has no permanent damage to anything. She is just unconscious.” Leni told us.
Lori started to try to stand up even though Luan was on her. She tried to punch Luan again, but she missed. Lori finally went limb.
We were all in silence. What happened?
Lori started to wake up.
“Uhh… what happened? Luan, why the heck are you on me?” She shouted.
“No, Lori, it’s for your own good.” Luan said.
“What did I do? If this is a prank Luan, I will literally turn you into a human pretzel!” She shouted.
“She has no memory of anything happening.” I said.
“Of what happening? Just let me go Luan, you’re hurting me!” Lori shouted.
“Ok, Lori, what did Lucy do after you punched her?” Luan asked.
“What are you talking about Luan? And why am I in handcuffs?” Lori asked.
“Answer my question!” Luan shouted.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Lori shouted back.
“Ok, fine, what is the last thing that you remember?” Luan asked.
“Lisa told us all to listen because she had important news. Wait, how did this happen from going out of my room to being on the ground with you on top of me?” Lori demanded.
“She really doesn’t have any memory of it happening.” Lisa said.
“Hello! I am asking a question!” Lori shouted.
“I’ll explain later. Long story.” Luan said.
“No! I need answers right now!” Lori said.
That is when my eyes looked at the attic door. I saw Lucy, with great grandma Harriet’s book of spells open, looking as if she was mumbling something.
“Lucy!” I said.
She suddenly froze when we all looked at her.

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