Chapter Eleven

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Lily's P.O.V.

I felt... different. It felt like I was breathing again.
"Come on Lily! Please!" I heard a voice say.
I opened my eyes to see one of my sisters staring down at me. Lucy.

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Yes!" I cried.
I brought Lily back to life. The spell actually worked. I was also relieved to see that no side effect has taken place. There were so many risks to this spell that I can't even name them all.
Lily started to cry.
"I know Lily. It feels weird. It's going to be all better in a minute or so."
Lily had holes all over her body from the screws that dug into her. Within the next minute, the holes will fix themselves. I had to stitch her head to her neck, but the stitches will be gone after this minute.
Lily's crying started to get more intense.
"You'll be all better after this Lily. It's just a minute of pain. I'm sorry Lily."
Her crying became even more high pitch and shrill.
"Come on Lily. Be brave."
I held Lily in my arms.
Five seconds left.
After those five long seconds, Lily finally calmed down.
Lily looked normal again.
She started cooing.
"I'm proud of if you, Lily. You were brave."
Suddenly, the attic door flung open. Lincoln's head popped up.
"Lucy! What was that?" He demanded. He started to come closer towards me.
"Lincoln, stop. I will explain what's going on, just, stop."
"Wait, is that Lily?"
"Lincoln, I will explain."
He moved closer.
"Lincoln, stop coming closer."
He was only a meter away.
I couldn't trust him to come closer in the fear that the woman that caused all of this trouble would try to take over Lincoln like she tried to do with Lori.
I had to make Lincoln stop.
I made a spell to make him freeze.
After it was done, I put Lily on the ground and closed the attic door. Afterwards, I put boxes on top of the door.
"Lincoln, I'm sorry that I have to put you through this." I said. "The answer to your question about if that was Lily is yes. Lily is alive." I took a breath, ready to tell him my secret.
After telling him my secret, I told Lincoln that I brought Lily back to life. I picked up Lily and then unfroze Lincoln.
Lincoln just stared at me in disbelief.
"I... I'm so sorry Lucy. I... I never knew that all of this was happening." He said. "Wait, what about the time you clogged the toilet with your princess pony book. Was the real reason you didn't want to tell our siblings about reading the book because the woman could have found you?"
"Yes. I can't let anyone near a meter from me. She can control anyone near me."
"Wait, what about Lily? Why is she allowed to get near you?"
"Her brain isn't developed enough yet."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I have to tell the rest of our family. Hopefully they will trust me."
I heard the attic door try to open. The person on the other side of the door started to hit the attic door.
"Hey! Come on, mate! Open up!" Luna's voice called.
"Don't open it." I whispered to Lincoln. "I'm not ready yet to tell my secret to the others."
"Hey! Lincoln! What's takin' you so long?" Luna's voice called out again.
"I will go and take Lily with me. Only when I'm gone you will open the door. Tell them you were looking for your box where the clay cups were."
"A... Alright. Good luck Lucy."
I smiled at Lincoln.
"Thank you for trusting me."

Lincoln's P.O.V.

And with that, Lucy just disappeared with Lily.
I moved the boxes that were on top of the attic door so that I could open the door.
"Come on mate! What took you so long?" Luna asked me.
"I was looking for my clay cups."
"What the hell for?"
"I... I don't know. I just wanted to."
"You said you thought you'd seen something in the attic. You said you were looking for Lucy. Now, you say you're looking for clay cups? Bogus! Spill the beans!"
I didn't know what to say.
"I'm telling the truth!"
I could tell that Luna didn't believe me. I then realized that the rest of my siblings were watching us argue. One wrong word and Lucy's life could be over.
I started to sweat.
"And, that's a lie." Lisa said.
I looked at her, remembering the time when she had lie detecting machines. She was holding one in her hand. "Now, Lincoln, this is how it goes. You tell a lie, you get punched. You tell the truth and you get to go."
"No!" I cried.
"What were you doing up there?" Luna asked.
"I don't want to tell you!"
Luna tried to punch me, but since she was on a ladder, she lost balance and fell.
I grabbed Luna's arm.
I don't think she thought this move through and she punched me in my arm with her other hand which caused me to let go of her.
Luna fell to the ground with a thud while I was gripping my own arm in pain.
My siblings gasped in shock.
"What is wrong with you Lincoln?!?" Lynn asked.
"What do you mean what's wrong with me? What is wrong with all of you is the question!"
"You purposeful dropped Luna!"
"Lie, Lie!" The lie detecting machine went.
"This is not a lie!"
"Lie, Lie!"
Lisa pulled out a dart gun out of nowhere and shot me with it. I felt a little prick on my arm. I looked at it to see a syringe in it. I felt a little drowsy. I wanted to sleep.

I woke up in Lola's room, tied up to a chair.
"What the..."
"Now, smarty, let's do this again. You say a lie, Lynn punched you. You are uncooperative, Lynn punched you. You tell the truth, you get to leave. Is that clear?" Lisa said.
"No! Let me go!"
I felt a punch in my face.
"What were you doing in the attic?" Lynn asked.
"I don't want to say!"
Lynn punched me in the face again.
"What were you doing in the attic?" She repeated.
I kept silent.
"I repeat, what were you doing in the attic?"
"I'm within my rights to say nothing!"
"You know, this will only get worse. What were you doing in the attic?"
"Lie, Lie!"
"Also, I forgot to mention this Lincoln, but at every five unanswered questions, we add a punch to each unanswered question." Lisa said.
"What were you doing in the attic?"
"Stop it!"
Punch. Punch.
"What were you doing?"
"Please, stop!"
Punch. Punch.
"What. Were. You. Doing?"
"Lynn, please!"
Punch. Punch.
It kept on coming. I had a bloody nose, black eyes ripped skin, you name it. It just kept coming, coming, coming, never stopping...

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