Chapter Seven

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"Bellamy doesn't make those decisions to be a vindictive egomaniac

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"Bellamy doesn't make those decisions to be a vindictive egomaniac. I'll admit, though, some decisions have been seriously debatable."

Jumping out of the pod I wait for Raven to unbuckle herself and join me

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Jumping out of the pod I wait for Raven to unbuckle herself and join me. It is in this moment that I noticed what is wrong with the picture. Bellamy Blake's nowhere to be seen. Furrowing my eyebrows I inspect the trees that circled around me, hoping he didn't run off on me after getting what he wanted. "Oh, if Octavia could see you now" I mutter under my breath.

"Oh my god!" Raven gasps, her wide brown eyes combing the lush green landscape around her. Jumping down from the pod, now in her usual black pants, grey singlet, and red jacket. I smile seeing her spin on the spot, grinning up at the sky in awe. "I dreamed it would smell like this" Raven sighs.

Dropping her hands beside her Raven smiles so widely it matches mine. Suddenly I'm screaming, "We are on the ground!"

Throwing her hands up she yells back just as loudly, "We are on the ground!" Dashing forwards we pull each other into a tight embrace. Raven gushes, her voice full of happiness "It never was the same when you got sent to the Skybox. Nobody's been around to steal my tools"

Gripping her arms I step back and grin widely at my best friend, "You have got no idea how much I needed some good news down here."

"Raven!" Looking behind Raven I spot Finn dashing out of the forest, Clarke emerging beside him.

"Finn!" Raven shouts back before dashing over to her boyfriend. As they get swept up in what seems like an intimate conversation I take note of Clarke's confused expression.

As quickly as it appeared she wiped it away, replacing it with a small smile. I can see her trying to be happy but it was obvious Clarke felt anything but. "They're together?" I remain guiltily silent as Raven and Finn share a kiss. "You could've told me that before I decided to sleep with the guy," Clarke tells me in a low tone.

Quirking my eyebrows at the fact that they had sex, I turn to Clarke and speak in an equally low voice "If I thought we'd ever see her again I would've told you to not go there." Watching Clarke bite her lip sadly I reach down and give her hand a comforting squeeze, "I can punch Finn later for you if you want. He and Bellamy can be bruise buddies."

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