Chapter Thirty

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"I. Want. Another. Drink"

"You aren't having another drink, Avery. I need you sober."

Swigging back the moonshine I glare towards the Grounder army

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Swigging back the moonshine I glare towards the Grounder army. The orange glow from their torches continues to light up the vacant side of the valley where my best friend lay now a hollow corpse. Once Raven's cries ceased she left with Kane and Abby to see Finn. Bellamy disappeared shortly afterward I'm sure to take care of something important.


I'd peeled myself off the muddy ground before finding an unoccupied stool at Wick's new bar because apparently, that has been a priority around here. Deciding I want to remain numb and oblivious to what had occurred not an hour ago I turned to drown my sorrows in moonshine. It is horrible but the last eight glasses have done the job. I'm completely numb. I can feel my emotions there but there is no way to access them.

"Should I even ask if you are sober?" Murphy questions me, taking up the makeshift stool to my left.

"I'm" Waving my hand around I grasp for the words, "Moderately func... tional."

I don't miss the look of scrutiny on Murphy's face as I finish off my cup, commenting "I take that as a no then." Not taking not of his sarcasm I gesture for Oliver to refill my cup, shaking it in the air "Must say I didn't take you for the drinking type."

Rolling my head to face Murphy I slur out, "Well sorry to dis... appoint Murph."

I watch Murphy open his mouth to retort but before he can I feel someone else's presence behind me. Peering over my should I groan when I see Bellamy watching me skeptically. Grasping the cup I wave it in the air, "Yo Oliver am I invisible?!"

"Alright" Bellamy murmurs carefully to me, "I think you're done."

As Bellamy reaches for it I snatch the cup away, almost falling from my stool in the process as I retort in a drawl "You first want to tell me I can't go save Finn... and now you're telling me... I can't have a drink?" Slamming the cup down I narrow my eyes towards Bellamy, slurring "You don't get to tell me... what I can... and can't do. You never have."

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