Chapter Twenty Five

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"Come on Bell

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"Come on Bell. You don't think I haven't seen you following Clarke and I around like a lost puppy?"

 You don't think I haven't seen you following Clarke and I around like a lost puppy?"

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"Knock knock!" I call into the lab, tapping lightly against the open metal door.

Glancing up from their workbenches, Wick and Raven watch me with wide grins. "Yeah Ave!" Raven calls, hobbling quickly over to me from her workbench. Pacing over to her I envelop Raven in a bone-crushing hug. "Somehow I knew you would be back in action the next day."

Smiling I couldn't help but shrug, "You know me. I have to keep busy or else I am going to start dwelling on Finn and if I start dwelling on Finn well I am going to lose my mind." My eyes flicker from Raven's sad ones down to her legs brace and I feel my heart break all over again.

Raven must have noticed me looking, explaining "Murphy's bullet got lodged into my spine. It's a miracle I still have some partial movement in this leg." Crouching down I look closer at the makeshift job done to it.

"Whoever made this did a terrible job" I mention to Raven, glancing up to see her laughing down to me.

"I'll have you know DoubleA that I constructed that brace in under five hours", Wick calls over to me clearly offended.

Standing up I pace further into the lab, coming up to his workbench. Leaning against it casually I shrug nonchalantly, "I could've done a better job in four."

Grinning Wick leans over to charmingly ruffle my hair, "I've missed your big dick personality."

Narrowing my eyes I'm about to respond before I'm cut off by another voice floating through the room, "Mecha Station was certainly a lot quieter with you in the Skybox."

Twirling on my feet I grin widely towards Sinclair who leans against the doorway. Pacing over I engulf my mentor in a hug which he is just as eager to return, "I'm glad you made it down Sinclair."

Stepping back Sinclair gives me a nod, "You too Armelle. Happy to have back my most promising engineer."

Spinning on my feet I point over to Wick and Raven "You both heard it here folks!"

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