Chapter Nineteen

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"Not five minutes ago they were willing to fight and die for you

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"Not five minutes ago they were willing to fight and die for you. I was ready to"

Before Bellamy can reply to Harper's voice is crackling over the radio, "All gunners we've got movement outside the south wall

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Before Bellamy can reply to Harper's voice is crackling over the radio, "All gunners we've got movement outside the south wall."

I move so fast I beat both boys to the hatch, quickly sliding down the ladder without bothering to use the rungs. Bellamy is only seconds behind me as the two of us stride quickly over to the gate. "If that's Murphy", I adamantly begin telling Bellamy "I have first dibs."

"You can't call dibs on killing him", Bellamy scoffs. When he catches my determined expression he wavers, "I'll give you a ten-second head start instead."

Reaching the south wall with Jasper flanking us we are just in time to hear Miller announce, "Hold your fire! It's Clarke and Finn!"

A gasp falls from my lips when they open the gate, a familiar head of blonde hair followed by our residential peacemaker jog into camp. Eyes wide I'm instantly scooped up by Finn, clutching on tightly to my best friend. Clarke frantically questions from somewhere amongst the spinning "We heard an explosion. What happened?"

"Murphy happened" Bellamy informs her with a roll of his eye as Finn places me back on solid ground.

Once I take a step back from them I couldn't stop myself from commenting in disgust, "You guys look like open autopsy's."

"Accuratly how we feel", Finn replies flashing me a smirk.

"Thank god", Jasper breaths as he launches Clarke into a hug. Once he releases her he instantly begins firing questions, "Where have you guys been? Where's Monty?"

At the mention of Monty, Clarke and Finn share a confused look. "Monty's gone?" Clarke asks him before giving Bellamy and I a concerned look that both of us easily reciprocate.

"Listen", Finn interjects "We don't have time for this. We need to leave. Now" Finn rapidly spits out to the group. When we continue to stare at him like a fish that just grew legs he turns his attention to the rest of our campmates, "All of us do. There is an army of Grounder's unlike anything we have ever seen before coming for us right now! We need to pack what we can and run!"

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