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Third pov:
First thing in the mornin' that valt did was change into his clothes,run down the hall down the stairs and slid into the kitchen. Older valt was flipping some  good old pancakes, valt mouth watered. Older valt turned around to see valt with drool trailing from his mouth.

He giggled before asking "Well look who's awake? You like pancakes don't you?", valt nodded before exclaiming "Do I? I love them!". Older valt smiled warmly and said "Well sit down and we'll wait for the others". Valt hurriedly ran to the island which resulted him running into some chairs.

"Owww" valt groaned, older valt quickly turned around to see valt tangled up onto two chairs. Older valt shaled his head thinking ' (sighs)I didn't grow out my clumsiness did I'. Before he could scold him, older lui and the girls walk in.

Valt pov:
I swear it was like a wild west in here when everything went silent staring at me. I cheekily scratch the back of my neck ,blushing embarrassingly, nervously saying "Before you could say anything I just want to say....that it was the floor fault" as I pointed to the floor.

I can literally see the sweat drop as they say in unison "Vaaalt". I got up (which was difficult) and fixed the chairs. Older me setted up the plates and we all sat down. It was a silent eating time indeed.

I was uncomfortable because every once in a awhile they would glance up there plates to look at me then keep on eating. '(Sighs) lui finally woke up, thank gods wait a minute' I thought before I realized that I still had a stupid crush on the flame head.

I face palmed myself mentally and watched as lui sluggigly slid into the chair beside me and look at us. He grunted then layed his head down right when older me putted the pancakes there sneakily.

Lui's pov:
When I layed my head down all I felt was hotness. 'Shit that tables hot!' I thought before I realize it was just a plate of pancakes. I accusingly looked at valt before looking at older him. I muttered a thank you before eating....with a fork. "Well we all know that yesterday wasn't a dream since you guys are here, we will help you go back to see someone to help us" older me said. I only nodded as I glanced at valt. I saw him mouth out a 'Not you too'. I was confused as shit on a stick (a/n: I don't know). I only shrugged it off as we continued on our breakfast.

-le time skip by the time god-

I walked up to our room to only see valt laying on the bed. I layed beside him, he looked at me. We stared for a couple of minutes before looking away. My heart pounded, my face became a  blushing tomatoe, and my head was spinning. 'This is what they call love right?' I thought as I started to sweat. "Lui" valt called out and I turned to him to see him nose inches away. "Why all this is  about your amulet? Why is it so important?" he asked. I sighed as I pulled out the amulet which was now a dim glowing purple.

"Look, long ago the world use to live in clans, build with magic of every kind. It depended of what kind of stone or magic you have to determine what is your clan. Long ago the shirasagi clan stone was a rare amulet stone like the one here is. It's power is time travel but only used once a year, dragon/weapon summoning and fire. We was the greatest clan until war had brewed and every one of us was killed except my grandparents who had passed away sadly." A stray tear fell down. Valt put his hand on my shoulder to calmed me down. "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to" valt soothingly said. I shaked my head and continued, "So as they gave birth to my father, and my mother gave birth to me they thought they was too old to keep it so they passed it on to me saying to never lose it and I never did" I finished.

Valt face showed concern, determination and love? "Don't worry we will find a way out of here, also you saud that our clan long ago had majic right? I want to know mines" he exclaimed. I shaked my head at his enthusiasm.

'Maybe falling in love with him wasn't a bad thing after all' I thought as he babbled on about what he thought his powers was.

Lui x Valt : our future (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now