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Valery pov:

It was late in the afternoon and that's when she finally woke up. We heard a thump upstairs and we thought that she got hurt. We hurried up their to see a unharm adramina on the floor. We carried more like mom carried her downstairs and settled her on the couch, she changed back to normal in her sleep. When she finally woke up,we hugged her all worried that she wouldn't wake up. "Hey guys I'm fine, I promise" she said trying to breathe. We was squishing her to death, "What happen up there ?" Mom asked with concern swirling in his eyes. Yeah also btw mom taught me how to go back to normal. Adramina seem to ponder a little, she then looked at me.

We seem to have a connection with our minds then she looked back our parents. "I was shocked that I had changed my appearance and that I was different" she truthfully said. Mom and dad seemed to buy it, because dad said "Well let's open the presents". As soon as he said it I saw a lot of presents. "Wait I just realized something" shorter mom said. We all turned to him wondering what.

"You girls birthday are three days away from Christmas" he cheekily said rubbing the back of his neck. 'So that's where I got my habbit from!' I thought, Everytime I was nervous or thinking I always rub the back of my neck. "Your right for once look at this calendar" little dad said looking at a calendar on the people refrigerator. Little mom slapped his arm lightly. (Since it's 2018 I'm gonna make the year 2030,13 years from now and yes I used my fingers and notebooks don't judge me).

The calendar said /2030, December and there on the 22nd was marked adramina and valery's birthday/. I gasped and grabbed adramina's arm and whispered, "We don't have gifts for everyone. We have to do something". She nodded. She cleared her throat and everyone turned to Valery. "Can we please go open our presents now?" She asked nervously. They nodded and they brought our seven presents.

Valery opened hers first,

1. Bracelet charm which was blue-purple

2. A broom?

3. A banana

4. A bike

5. A skateboard

6. A phone

7. A GPS watch

I was confused by the broom part, I bet it was little dad thought. I started to open my presents,

1. A necklace with a blue-purple charm diamond

2. A mop?

3. An apple (how is it still fresh?)

4. A skateboard

5. A bike

6. A phone

7. And a bracelet

Well these are great gifts, mom helped me put on the necklace since my stubby little hands can't do it. Then I put on the bracelet then I see Valery doing the same. "I know this is nice and great and all, but how will me and valt get back home?" Little dad asked folding his arms. *Mom facepalmed*"I forgot about that! Come with me" mom said leading them somewhere. I followed but not after grabbing my new phone and my apple. Valery had her banana,her watch and her phone.

Valt's pov:

Older me lead me and Lui down the hallway, he turned left then right and I'm pretty sure if I was left alone I'll be lost by now,as we rounded another corner older me stop. He stood in front of a gray door. He spoke something like, "Nepo rood, sti em tlav" then the door open automatically. I reached for lui's hands and when I founded it Lui sqeezed my hand. (Read the words backwards if you don't know). I walked forward sensing the kids following. There in the spotlight was a portal like thing.

It was circled, and it looks like if we cut it on the circle will be lit and the inside would light up. Well I sound smart today. I looked at the kids to see them have sparkels in there eyes. "Mom what it is this thing?!" Valery asked amazed. "Well it's what your uncles and aunts had been working on" older Lui said. "You mean toko and Nika?" I asked, " Yeah also daigo, shu,rantaro,wakiya and Ken and Ben" he said. (A/n: I'll let you decide which ones the aunt and which one the uncle).

I nodded and Lui asked, " It must be a time machine then?". "Yep this bad boy can up to 100 miles per hour but it can only go once it has a good power up" older me said petting it fondly. I was awed, 'Maybe sending an electric current can power it up besides I need to practice my powers' I thought before speaking. "Maybe sending an electric shock could be enough to power it up. Older me grinned at me and announced "You'll be home in no time". We cheered, but I felt something watching us. Shrugging it off I thought of nothing of it.

~Somewhere far away~

Third pov:

A woman was hunch over a ball, she wore a black cape,gloves, jeans,and leather boots. Her hair was fluorescent green, that was at her shoulders curling at the ends, gold yellow eyes stared intently at the people reflecting in her eyes. Her skeen as green as the grass, her name was Victoria skyler. She scoffed and flicked her wrist cutting off the ball. She turned over to her pet Raven named Lucifer and said in a velvet voice "Come Lucifer we have to make a little...visit". With that said,the Raven perched on her shoulders, she chuckled and walked through the darkness. Planning a long time revenge, that she waited for eternity.

(A/n: I feel like I'm writing a fuckin' episode for some reason, anyway who is this woman and what does she want them? And what revenge?)

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