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Valt's pov:

As I babbled on what kind of magic I might have I glanced at lui to see him staring at me. He blushed and looked away from me. "You know you remind me of a tsundere when you do that" I said to get him riled up.

Sure enough he got up in my face and exclaimed "I'm not a tsuendere!". I laughed and said "Yeah and I'm not  a dark horse". He playfully glared at me (which looked like his regular glare) and hitted my arm.

"How dare you I love this arn" I said caressing my arm. He laughed and just layed back. I jumped off the bed and walked to the balcony. "If you had some magic it would be electricity for sure" I hear lui mubble. "You sure?" I questioned turning to him.

He nodded his head, closing his eyes. I looked back out the scenery. An hour had past and I was asleep on the bed cuddled up to lui who was surprisingly still asleep.

'He's really cute when he's asleep' I thought as I blushed. It was noon which is 4pm and since it's winter time the sun had already setted. I closed my eyes before I heard a whooshing sound behind me.

I turn to see something glowing  on the balcony. I walked over to it and to my surprise was a glowing blue ball. I gasped as it drew closer to me. It turned to me, it glowed brighter as my fingers grazed it. I tried to scream but to my dismay I couldn't.

Soon everything turned white.

~time pass~

Finally I wake up from a dream. I looked besude me to see lui sound asleep. The clock read 6am, I got up but to have a stinging sensation growing throughout my body. I tried moving but to be stuck in place.

I teared up becayse of the excruciating pain that's thrumming inside me. Now I feel a fire burning in my gut. My veins pulsating against me, everything is hurting. Soon enough as I moved my eyes down I see some blue swirling things going around me.

I try again to move when everything had suddenly calmed down inside me. I sighed to get my breathe out. I get out the room and to the bathroom that older me had showed me. I looked at the mirror to only back up in shock and horror.

There standing in my reflection was a blue-eyed, white hair, pale guy. I hesitantly took a step closer to see my features. My red lightning under my eye  was yellow, my eyes was a sapphire blue that was glowing, my white hair was like shu's and i'm slighlty more taller.

My clothing hadn't change and my hair. I runned a finger through my hair. I sigh and walk out. I hear a door open so I dashed for my room. I panted behind the door and looked at lui who was awake.

"Who are you?" He threatenly growled at me. I gulped,'I can't fight this guy!' I thought. I rose both of my hands saying "I'm valt aoi and I come in peace". He just gave me a deadpan look and got ready to throw his boot.

I scaredly dodge it but to have a steaming bull chase after me all around the room.  Soon enough older me and lui rushed in asking "What is going on here?!". Lui stopped mid-run, pointing at me saying "We have an imposter here".

I pleadilingly looked at them when older me stepped up. "So you  found out about the power?" He asked and I looked confused. Older me sighed and his whole body glowed a white ball. When it died down stood me.

But hair wilder, lightning bolt all the way down to his chin, and his posture warrior like. "Long ago along with the shirigasi clan there was the aoi clan, we had as much power to match them (points at lui and older lui) but we'll never compete. We had a power that goes back to the ancients. You know valkryie?" He asked.

I nodded and brought him out, "We the aoi clan worshipped him even today we do, also he the one to give us the magic we needed" He said. I was bewildered.

My clan had magic along with lui," Will I know my magic soon enough?" I asked. "Soon enough valt aoi" he said. Welp this day can't get any weider.

Lui x Valt : our future (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now