Crimson Day

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A brass vase crashed to the floor with a hollow clang. No doubt Cathy would give me crap about the divot in the timber floorboards when she noticed it but frankly I couldn't give a shit. I was too busy trying to tear Zacky's clothes off.

Buttons exploded across the entrance hall as, lacking the patience to undo them one by one, I wrenched open Zacky's button down shirt. We crashed into the wall opposite the console table that we'd just decimated. His skin was warm beneath my palms as I ran my hands up his chest and across his shoulders. I grabbed for the edges of his shirt and pushed it down his arms. In my bare feet he was taller than me so I tilted my head up to kiss him hungrily as he struggled to free his hands from his sleeves.

Once Zacky had shaken himself loose of his shirt one of his hands slid up the flaring skirt of my navy sundress and the other closed over my right breast. Holy crap that felt good! I couldn't hold back my whimper of pleasure. His tongue tangled with mine in a relentless caress as his fingers found the edge of my knickers and slid inside ready to stroke me to madness as he pressed me into the wall.

I gasped with frustrated desire as he dragged his hand free of my underwear and slid it roughly up my side and then across my back tugging at the fabric of my dress as he did so. He was panting as he tore his mouth away from mine. "Kelly, I can't," he groaned in a rough voice.

I blinked at him in confusion, unable to resist pressing myself more firmly against the hand that still rhythmically squeezed and stroked my breast. "You want to stop?"

"God no," he growled rubbing a thumb across one of my ridiculously sensitive nipples, "I can't get you out of this fucking dress!" He plucked helplessly at the intricate arrangement of ties that secured the bodice of my dress as he pressed sucking kisses down my throat.

I giggled and then gasped as he pressed his lips to a particularly sensitive spot. Reluctantly I tore my hands away from Zacky's naked torso and groped for the elusive tie that secured my dress in place. Zacky pressed one of his hands over mine and snaked the other around my waist pressing me even more firmly against the length of his body. The hardness, tightly confined by his jeans, throbbed insistently at my hip. He kissed his way back up my throat to murmur in my ear. "Wait. I wanna do this right. It's been so long since I could touch you and you're driving me crazy but you mean too much to me; I don't want to just do you up against a wall."

The idea of Zacky doing me up against a wall had me shivering with delight. "Please," I begged.

He nipped at my earlobe and groaned as I ran the tip of one finger down the zipper of his jeans. "What I want to do to you is going to take hours and I'm not going to do it beside your front door."

My entire body ignited with heat. I closed his hand around the end of the tie that held my dress together and spun out of his grasp. As I walked toward the stairs the dress began to unravel as tie after tie pulled free. His green eyes were smouldering when I glanced back over my shoulder at him. "Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked as my dress disintegrated around me and dropped to the floor leaving me in nothing but a pair of knickers. The sound that ripped from his throat was absolutely feral. He took a couple of hasty steps in my direction and I took off up the stairs at a run.

Unfortunately all the amazing sex in the world wasn't going to divert The Spawn from its daily assault on my digestive system. What it meant was that the bedraggled mess aka me, hanging over the toilet bowl at a time on a Sunday morning when reasonable people were getting ready for a champagne fuelled brunch, was naked. It also meant that when Zacky appeared in the bathroom doorway he too was naked, sadly the morning boner he'd been sporting with a promise of pleasure to come had rapidly subsided.

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