Jaemin & Jeno - Noona

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might as well post this fluffy one here - even though I wrote it for golldenlee 's book 😂

You are best friends with Jaemin & Jeno. Even though you're a bit older than them, you guys still get along well.

You kind of had a thing for both of them. Yes this may sound weird, but yes both of them.

The way they called you Noona, and followed you around like a little lost puppies was so cute.

They wanted to help and be there for you at every important moment of your life.

Today, they were watching your debut. You were also under SM Entertainment. You and your group were going onstage any moment now.

You pulled the curtain back slightly, and peaked into the audience. You saw two recognizable faces in the first row. Jeno and Jaemin.

You instantly smiled and waved at them. They were holding signs that said, "We love you, our Noona!" And "You can do it, Y/N, Fighting!"

They put up little hearts as the lights dimmed low.

You and your group stepped onto stage. You got into formation as the curtain pulled away.

The music started and the spotlight hit you, the center of the group.

You guys danced and sang your hearts out. All the while, you looked to your two best friends who were cheering you on the whole time.

You couldn't be more thankful for them, than you already were.

The concert finally ended and you went backstage to find Jeno and Jaemin.

"Y/N!!!!" They cried out, running over to engulf you in a double hug.

Tears started streaming down your eyes as they kept complimenting your stage.

"Aww Noona, don't cry." Jaemin smiles, wiping away your tears.

Jeno kisses your forehead as he put his arm around you.

"C'mon Y/N, lets go celebrate!" Jeno shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

You all laughed and headed to your special spot. The park.

"Hey, Noona, will you buy us ice cream?" Jaemin pouted.

"I thought I was the one being treated here!" You pouted back, laughing a little.

"Please!!!" Jeno and Jaemin both whined, trying to do aegyo to make you change your mind.

"Alright, fine!" You laughed, as you gave in and bought you all some ice cream.

They both hugged you and thanked you.

You guys went to go walk by the Han River, one of your favorite activities to do.

They both grabbed each of your hands, swinging them softly as you guys walked.

"Gosh, they are so cute." You thought out loud.

Uh oh.

"NOONA!!!!" Jeno shouted, letting go of your hand.

"YOU THINK WE ARE CUTE?!?!" Jaemin squealed, jumping up and down.

"Ya! Don't tease me, or make me take back my words." You smirked at them.

"Noona, we love you!" They both said, grabbing onto you and tackling you to the ground.

"Hey! Stop!" You laughed, as they tickled you.

You all were nearly out of breathe so you guys stopped, and just laid there looking at the night sky.

"Seriously Y/N, I think we're both in love with you." Jaemin said, pushing your hair away from your face.

Jeno nodded as he poked your cheek.

"Well, I don't see why this couldn't work?" You questioned, knowing that both your friends would have a good relationship with you.

"Let's do it." They both agreed, smiling back at you.

They both snuggled up to you, resting their heads on each of your shoulders, as you all star gazed.

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