|| Ch. 12 || Xavier ||

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CH.12 - Xavier

-hell is empty, all the devils are here. 

Previously on the badboy's Mission ...

Pressing my lips again, much harder this time. the warmth lingering and spreading – we break away at the sound of my phone.

"Just a minute" I assure and she nods flushed crimson.

It's Zania. This better be important. I pick up the call.

"Ryan! Thank god you answered" She cries into the phone.

"Zania? – Zania tell me what's wrong?" I snap and Sydney shoots me a concerned look.

"H-he went missing – it's Blake. He's gone, we can't find him anywhere ..." She sobs into the phone. 

Currently on the badboy's Mission ...


I storm into the base, guilt churning in me. I'm such a jerk for dropping Sydney at her dorm without telling her why I'd cut our date short, but Blake needs me right now

I slam the door open, barging in.

"Where were you? Why are you soaked?" Marnina asks, squinting at my drenched attire.

"Fuck that, do you have any idea where Blake went?" Madison demands.

"He called me yesterday, that's it" I shake my head, exasperated. Where the hell was he?

"I have to find him. I'm going around the city ... whether anyone comes or not" Zania snaps grabbing her car keys frantically. She's completely worn out, which is so not like her.

"You're not going alone, I'm coming with you" I state and she nods.

"You guys check the clubs and bars, we'll go downtown" Marnina suggests and Madison agrees.

"I wanna help too, I'll come with you Ryan" Brittany tugs on my jacket.

"Brittany –"I begin to protest.

"- Enough! We're losing time right now, let's go" Zania wails, grabbing my arm literally hauling me to the car.

"How do you know he's going to be here?" Brittany sighs when we enter the club.

"We don't. But there's a chance, so we're gonna check" I shrug scanning the room for the manager.

"She's there" Zania taps my shoulder, shifting my attention to the woman with ashy blond hair at the bar.

"Hey! What would you like?" She beams enthusiastically when we approach her.

"Nothing, we just want to – "I begin but get cut off. That's been happening a lot today.

"You have to have a drink! Come on, we provide a variety of cocktails" She assures. "Oh and the blueberry one is absolutely divine! You guys need to try it".

"Listen" Zania cuts in. "We're not here for a drink. Our friend is missing and we're trying to find him".

The blonde furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Have you uh ... seen a tall guy, with green eyes and who acts like he's high?" Zania asks.

"Actually yes, he didn't say much – just had a few drinks and left" She replies shaking an imported bottle.

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