|| Ch. 27 || Teenwolf & Vodka Shots||

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CH. 27 - Teenwolf & vodka shots

-I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands

Previously on the badboys mission ...

"Tell me, what do you see?" I press on ignoring everyone else. "What's my destiny?"

He eyes me as if weighing down if he should tell me or not.

"You're going to break the heart of the one you desire the most" he begins slowly and steadily. "Death will be the one to do you apart, but remember the future is never set in stone".

Currently on the badboys mission ...


{ A / N : yassss we at baby boys pov }

A blood churning cry comes from the movie and Blake shrieks in response tightening his arms around Zania.

"Blake", she releases a heavy sigh. "Its a wolf, just a wolf".

"He's just a wuss" Marnina mocks tossing a handful of popcorn at him.

He catches one popping it into his mouth. "I am not! Who told you to put this R rated horror tv show on?"

"For fuck's sake it's just teenwolf don't be dramatic" I shake my head.

"It should be banned from America!" Blake urges.

"Teenwolf is amazing" Zania defends and then add dreamily. "Have you seen Stiles abs?"

"Derek is so much hotter" Hunter points out. "He is like eatable".

"His abs can't be better than mine", Blake gets all pouty.

I tune their conversation out glancing at Sydney whos fidgeting with the hem of my hoodie that she's wearing.

Seeing her in my clothes in Blakes words is spark spark. 

I tug gently on a lock of her auburn hair.

She glances up and I raise my eyebrows as if to say, what are you thinking about?

She shakes her head simply mouthing the word, nothing.

Sure it was nothing. She'd been lost in her thoughts ever since Hunter had said the "future" with his "psychic abilities".

She would break my heart, he'd said.

Maybe she would after finding out I was built of lies.

But the part of death doing us apart? I wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on her. Hunter's just full of psychic shit that shouldn't be taken seriously. 

She fishes out her cell, checking her chat with Jess the 7th time today.

No new messages. 

She huffs in frustration, she and Jess hadn't been on good terms for a week. 


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