|| Ch. 31 || Nobody gonna dull my sparkle ||

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Hello! yes, I'm still alive 😅😅, I just had exams and a lot of shit in my hands that's why there was a HUGEEEE delay in my update. But here I am, back for business (;

And can I just say how happy I am that this book is on 9.3k? Let's get it to 10k and that calls for a celebration.

too much coffee + cake + pop songs = chapter 31

I really hope you guys enjoy it!

CH. 31 - Nobody gonna dull my sparkle 
-welcome to the dark side, where all the fun stuff happens.

Previously on the badboys mission ...

"Of course we do, remember that one time your killer driving skills made us crash into a lamp post?" Zania gives him a poker face.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "That was a one-timer".

"Do you think I should get coco one of those glittery headbands?" Blake asks Hunter as if it's out of the ordinary whilst petting the kitten. "I saw them at sexy land".

I wonder, what he was doing at sexy land in the first place?
But then think better of it and keep my mouth shut.

"Those neon pink ones right? They would be - " Hunter breaks of glancing at Ryan. "Why is he looking at me like that?"

That's when I notice Ryan's eyes are wide as saucers and he's unmoving.

"Someone, tell him to stop. It's scaring me" Hunter moves back flimsily, letting go of the kitten. "I won't get her that headband ... fine"

"I just got an idea!" Ryan blurts out, ignoring Hunter's previous comment.

Each pair of eyes in the room turn to him.

And god, I love the way his eyes light up knowing it's going to be dangerous. 

Currently on the badboys mission ...


I scan the Walmart aisles, my eyes searching for glitter. We had all split up to collect the equipment needed for our revenge.

Once Ryan had told us his plan, we all came to the conclusion that it's a terrible, horrible and incredibly foolish idea - but let's do it and see what happens.

I hear a squeaky giggle and my attention shift across the aisle; to the blonde worker whose bony fingers are on Ryan's fricken arm.

I ball my hands into fists, no Sydney, no you're not jealous. I couldn't be jealous of a Walmart worker who looked like she was still in junior year.
I take a few steps closer until I'm in earshot and Ryan shoots me a pleading look to save him as he's being harassed. Ha, he can deal with the torture for a bit.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" She asks, giving him a constipated smile.

"Yeah, yeah - I'm good" Ryan nods hastily, taking a step back whilst glancing at me miserably.

I eye a cracker packet as if I'm distracted, ignoring him.

"I can show you if you want" She offers, flashing her cleavage and then batting her eyelashes innocently. "- I mean I can show you to the aisle you need".

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