Chapter 1

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It was cliche. Even Dallon knew that. Two boys fighting for the same girl. But he had his reasons.

Her name was Breezy. Dallon had known her since the beginning of high school, and they were even best friends. But one day, her and Ryan started hanging out more often. They slowly started drifting, but they're still friends and they even hang out sometimes. He decided that he was finally going to ask her out. He knew her daily routine. Before you say that's stalker-ish, he only knows it because when they hang out, they have to plan around her schedule. She always goes to a cute little coffee shop after work, even though it's late enough to go to a bar.

He wore a white polo with a yellow sweater over it, black pants, and dress shoes. He didn't have anything to give her, he just hoped that she would say yes. As he was standing outside of the coffee shop, something was telling him not to go in, but he just thought it was his nerves. He opened the door and realized he should've listened to his nerves. He saw her in a booth, but she wasn't alone. She was with Ryan. His arm was around her, and he placed a kiss on her cheek. Looks like she made her choice. He ran out of the coffee shop before anyone even realized he was there. So many emotions were going through his head. Anger, confusion, but most of all, heartbreak. He needed to clear his mind, so he went to a bar not far from the shop.

It wasn't too crowded, considering it was a Friday. He sat down at the bar, both seats next to him were empty. He asked the bartender for a glass of whiskey and took a sip. He hates drinking, but he didn't really have another option right now. He heard faint high heels start walking his direction. He was expecting some drunk girl to try to make moves on him, so he took another drink. He heard the high heels walk up to one of the bar stools next to him. To his surprise, it wasn't a girl looking for a hookup. It was... a guy? Not saying that guys can't wear heels, but in a town like this? The other man must've caught Dallon starting at the heels. "I make them work, don't I?" Dallon awkwardly chuckled and took another sip of whiskey. "I lost a bet, if you were wondering." Dallon looked back up at the boy. He had dark brown hair that was swooped back, brown eyes, and he was wearing a gold blazer with a black polo and dress pants. What a first impression. "What was the bet?" He was very curious now. "You see that guy over there?" He pointed to a guy in the back, who appeared to be wearing a chiffon skirt. "He bet that I wouldn't kiss that girl next to him. He was right, I wouldn't. So I have to wear these around town for a week." They both laughed at the incident. "So, what is a guy like you doing here? You don't look like a drinker." The boy motioned the bartender for a drink while Dallon explained. "There was this weird love triangle between me and my two best friends. Turns out, she didn't like me the way I thought." The boy took a sip of his drink. "So you're a second boy?" Dallon raised an eyebrow. "What's a second boy?" "A second boy is the boy who didn't get picked in the love triangle. But that's not always bad. Second boys will be first choice to someone better than the person they were fighting for." He had never thought of it like that. "I guess you have a point." "Hell yeah I do! Oh, I'm Brendon by the way. Brendon Urie." The boy held out his hand, waiting for Dallon to shake it. He shook Brendon's hand and introduced himself. "Dallon Weekes." They both smiled and took a sip of their drinks. "So why didn't you kiss that girl back there?" Brendon chuckled a little. "Because I'm gay." Dallon nodded, somehow understanding. "What about you? I'm guessing you're straight since you were fighting for a girl." Dallon chuckled. "Actually, I'm bisexual." Brendon smiled a bit, but chugged the rest of drink and asked for another one.

An hour passes, the two boys are still talking. Dallon stopped drinking after his first glass, but Brendon continued to drink. "Shittt I need to go home." Brendon tried to stand up, but with the heels on, he almost face planted. Dallon grabbed his arm, making sure he didn't fall. "Maybe I should walk you home." Brendon nodded, knowing he would die trying to walk home. Brendon had his arm around Dallon, and Dallon had his arm around him, making sure he was stable. Even with high heels on, Dallon was still taller than Brendon. He was still stumbling, but Dallon was making sure he wouldn't fall. "This is the place." They stopped in front of a nice house. It was huge, well at least for Dallon it was. He watched Brendon try to unlock the house, which was hilarious since he was drunk. He finally unlocked it and stumbled onto the couch. He kicked of the heels and got comfortable. Dallon laughed. "Well, I should probably be getting home. It's late." Brendon groaned. "Stayyyyy. It's lonely here." Dallon chuckled. "Where would I sleep?" "In my bed." "What about pajamas?" "I have some that would fit you." Dallon obviously wasn't getting out of this, so he agreed to spend the night.

He got on some pajamas and went to Brendon's room. It was actually really nice. He felt kind of weird sleeping in another guys bed, but he just shook it off. Right when Dallon layed down, he heard Brendon walk in. He looked up at the boy, who wasn't wearing a shirt and had sleep shorts on. Damn. He layed down next to Dallon. "Good night, tree man." Dallon laughed at that nickname. "Good night."

A/N: hiii this is a new thing I'm working on. I hope it turns out okay.

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