Chapter 11

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Dallon was wearing a black button-up and skinny jeans, while Brendon was wearing a red suit. "You look amazing, Bren." He could've sworn that his face was as red as his suit as he smiled at the ground. "You look great, too." He smiled at the boy and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "We should probably go before it gets too late." Brendon nodded as their Uber pulled up in front of Dallon's house.

"Pete!" Dallon walked up to the tan boy, who was talking to Patrick. "Dallon! I swear, you never stop growing." They both laughed and chuckled. "Brendon, is that you?" Dallon and Pete looked at Patrick. "Patrick!!!!" Brendon wrapped his arms around him, almost knocking his fedora off. The short boy chuckled. "You're gonna kill me, man. Lighten the grip." Brendon chuckled as he let go. "Oops, sorry. I forgot how small you were." Pete laughed as Patrick rolled his eyes.

The boys caught up throughout the night. Brendon was mostly with Patrick in the kitchen, while Dallon and Pete were in the living room. It wasn't a huge party, but enough people to feel slightly crowded.

Dallon might've been the only one who wasn't drinking. Well, besides Patrick, but that's only because he knew he'd have to help Pete clean up. Pete wasn't too drunk, not yet anyways. Breezy walked over with two drinks and handed one to Dallon. "O-oh, Breezy, I don't wanna drink. I have to get Brendon home tonight." She pushed the drink closer to him as she sat down in front of them. "One won't hurt you. It's not even strong." He hesitated to pick up the drink, but he eventually did. One drink won't do anything, will it? Next thing he remembers is feeling nauseous and slightly dizzy. Pete must've noticed. "Hey man, you okay?" Dallon nodded, but honestly, he wasn't. He went to stand up but couldn't even do that. He could barely move his body. Soon, everything started spinning. His ears were ringing so loud, but he could still barely hear. "I'll help him into the guest room." Breezy helped pick him up. His memory started to fade in and out. One moment, he was in the living room, now he's in the guest room. One moment, he tries to leave, now he's in the bed. He felt someone next to him. It wasn't Brendon. I don't wanna be here. It faded to black. He didn't remember anything after that.

He woke up about two hours later with a massive headache. He looked around and noticed it was Pete's guest room. Why am I in here? He looked over to see someone in bed with him. At first, he thought it was Brendon, but as he looked closer, he saw that it wasn't. He jumped out of bed. He noticed he didn't have his shirt on. He never takes off his shirt around people, not even Brendon. He saw his shirt on the ground and quickly put it on. "What are you doing up?" He looked over to see Breezy in bed, only wearing her bra and pants. Memories started to flood back. He felt like he was going to faint. "You drugged me?!" She sat up and rolled her eyes. "It was all part of the plan." Dallon started breathing heavily. There were parts he didn't remember, and that terrified him. "D-did you... did you r-" Before he could finish, she cut him off. "No! Of course not. But it sure did look like you cheated." His face turned red with anger and anxiety. "What do you mean, cheated?" She smiled a little, which made Dallon sick. "You're little boy runs faster than I thought he would. He has a temper too." Dallon could've punched her, but he stopped himself. "Fuck you, Breezy." He ran out of the room and into the living room. He saw Pete passed out while Patrick was cleaning up. "Patrick, where's Brendon?" Patrick could hear the panic in his voice. "He went home with Spencer. He looked upset. What happened?" Dallon started pacing as he explained what just happened. "Oh my god, Dallon... You better hurry. Here's his address." He picked up a napkin and quickly started writing on it. "Pete's keys are over there. Now go!" Dallon nodded as he grabbed the keys and ran out the door. He's never driven so fast in his life. He's surprised he didn't get in a wreck.

He arrived at Spencer's. He knocked on the door until someone answered. It must've been Spencer, considering this was his house. "Is Brendon here? I-"  He cut him off. "Patrick text me just a minute ago. He's in the back room." Dallon smiled at the boy as he let him in. He ran to the back of the house where he found a closed door. He heard quiet sniffles coming from the other side. He softly knocked on the door.

"Brendon? Brendon, please open the door!"

A/N: I got Violent Things yesterday and I'm way too happy about it haha.

Also, thank you guys for all the votes and reads! I might start a new story soon, but we'll see how that turns out.

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