Chapter 3

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Dallon forgot how lonely his house was.  He lived in a small one-story house. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, a small kitchen, and a living space. It wasn't much, but he liked it. He walked to the couch and sat down. He had some thinking to do. He was starting to gather feelings for Brendon. He had only known him for less than a day, but he was willing to get to know him. He also made him take his mind off of Breezy. The only time he really thought about her when he was with him was when he performed in front of Brendon. But that was more nerves than anything. He's not saying he's completely over Breezy yet, but he thinks he was starting to. He was snapped out of his trance when he heard his phone go off. He quickly picked it up, expecting a text from Brendon, but was disappointed when he saw who it was from.

hey u wanna hang out tonight??

Dallon rolled his eyes, still being salty about last night.

Can't. Busy.

doing what? u never do anything

Dallon put his phone down. He didn't feel like talking to her right now. He heard another text come in. He picked up his phone, and to his surprise, it wasn't Breezy.

Hey pretty boy;)

Dallon smiled and text back.

They talked for most of night, just sending weird-ass texts. Dallon hadn't laughed this much in a long time. Honestly, neither has Brendon.

It was around midnight when he heard a knock on his door. He knew it wasn't Brendon, considering he was sending him videos of him trying to bake cookies. It was funny actually, considering he had no knowledge of baking. He opened the door, but he immediately wishes he didn't. "Really busy, I see." She walked in, uninvited might I add. "Breezy, don't you have work tomorrow?" She avoided the question. "Why didn't you text me back?" Dallon shrugged. "I was busy, I guess. You could've hung out with someone else." Breezy rolled her eyes and looked over at Dallon's phone on the living room table. He had just got a text. "Did you really blow me off to text.. Brandon?" He walked over and grabbed his phone. "It's Brendon. Why should you care? You've got other friends." She looked annoyed. "I had something important to tell you." Dallon shook his head. "Yeah. You and Ryan. I'm not an idiot." She had a surprised look on her face. "A-and you're okay with that?" He shrugged. "I don't really have another choice. Plus, you aren't the only person I've ever liked in my life." She turned red. "F-fine!" He was very confused as she stomped out of his house. He opened his phone to text Brendon back.

Incoming FaceTime from:

Dallon answered the call while Brendon was still in his kitchen "Dude, I think I might burn my house down. I don't know how to fucking bake." Dallon chuckled at the struggling boy, but he could tell something was up. "You okay, pretty boy?" Dallon shrugged. "Breezy stopped by a few minutes ago." Brendon's jaw dropped and his face turned completely serious. "She did what now? What did she do?" Dallon explained what she did while Brendon listened intensely. "She almost sounded mad that I didn't react to her being in a relationship." Brendon nodded. "Don't show her that you care. She just wants a reaction out of you." Dallon nodded. "Do you still have feelings for her?" Dallon shrugged again. "Feelings don't just disappear overnight, but I definitely don't feel the same after tonight. It just feels...weird here." Brendon looked at a clock on the wall and looked back at Dallon. "That's it. I'm on my way. And I'm bringing the burnt cookies." Dallon chuckled. "You don't have to, I'll be okay." Brendon sighed. "You need company right now, and not from a attention seeker. Text me your address and I'll be there soon." Dallon sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll text it to you. Just be careful." Brendon smiled. "I'm sure people will stay away from a grown man wearing heels at 12:30 a.m.. Dallon laughed as Brendon smiled. "Be there soon."

Brendon soon arrived at Dallon's, with his heels on a bag of almost burnt chocolate chip cookies. "You really didn't have to come, I'm okay." Brendon kicked off his heels and looked up at the boy. "If I didn't come, then who would I share these cookies with?" They both chuckled at his remark. "In all seriousness, I can see the heartbreak in your eyes. I know, I used to see that look stare back at me through a mirror. And I know I could've used a friend at the time, so I'm gonna be here for you." Dallon smiled. "You're really great, ya know?" Brendon grinned. "I am, aren't I?" They both laughed as Dallon thought of a quick remark. "Your ego is almost as big as your forehead." Brendon laughed and playfully hit Dallon in the arm. "Touché."

For the rest of the night, they say on Dallon's couch, eating the cookies Brendon made and watching bad 80s movie. During one of the movies, Brendon cuddled up to Dallon, making Dallon put his arm around him. They both turned a little red, eventually falling asleep on the couch. Together. It somehow felt natural.

A/N: I feel like I'm dying rn. Being sick is great, man. Just fantastic. :/

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