Understudy Star

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It was going to be the first Christmas on Cybertron and Bumblebee and his team were excited to be celebrating the Earth holiday on their home planet for the first time.

Everyone was getting ready. The Autobots and Decepticons had called a truce so everyone could have Christmas in peace. And not have to worry about fights breaking out. And they were going to put on the first ever Christmas play on Cybertron.

It was going to be a play of a Christmas Carol and everyone had just finished trying out and Ultra Magnus was reading the casting results.

"OK the role of Ebenezer Scrooge will be played by Megatron, the role of Bob Cratchit will be Bumblebee, the role of Tiny Tim will be played by Fixit, Jacob Marley will be played by Steeljaw, Isabelle will be played by Windblade, Mises Cratchit will be played by Arcee, the Ghost of Christmas Past will be played by Optimus Prime, the ghost of Christmas Present will be played by Knock Out, the ghost of Christmas Future will be Soundwave." And Ultra Magnus continued on with the list.

Later everyone was heading home after rehearsal and Knock Out was talking with Starscream who he had ran into on his way home.

"I'm surprised you didn't audition." Knock Out said to the seeker.

"I'm helping out backstage I think the whole play thing is silly and I don't think any of the characters fit me." Starscream told him.

"Well acting isn't for everyone." Knock Out replied. Then they got close to where Knock Out's home was and wave goodbye as they went their separate ways for the night.

The next day everyone was backstage getting ready for the show.

"Where's Optimus?" Asked Starscream noticing the prime was absent.

"He had to go to Earth to help the Recuse bots with something." Bumblebee explained. "You'll have to fill in for him."

"Me!" Starscream whimpered.

"Yes you." Bumblebee told the seeker.

"I can't go on." Starscream said nervously.

"Your always trying to be leader since when do you get stage fright?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I don't get nervous leading troops but acting I don't do." Starscream told him.

"You have to try or we might have to cancel the show." Bumblebee explained.

"OK I'll try it." Starscream gave in.

Then Knock Out arrived backstage.

"Where were you?" Asked Arcee.

"I had a busy morning at the hospital you won't believe how many sick bots showed up the Voss Virus is really bad this year it's basically a Cybertronian version of Earth's flue." Knock Out explained. "It's called the Voss Virus because that's where it originated."

"Half the cast isn't here we've been having to have bots fill in left and right." Arcee told him.

"Yeah I brought a sick list with me." Knock Out told her then pulled out a piece of paper that was about a mile long.

"Wow are all of them under the weather from the Voss Virus?" Asked Arcee.

"Half of them the other half had some bad energon and got fuel poisoning they all had lunch at the same place." Knock Out told her. "In fact the reason Ratchet, First Aid and Red Alert aren't here is because they had to stay and treat all of them we're lucky I could make it."

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