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❝w-what?❞ the chinese was shocked at the sudden question. ❝i know it's sudden. but, i need to know.❞ mark tried not to remember that stare he was given by jeno. it was terrifying. ❝why? what... happened?❞ renjun couldn't believe that mark would ask about his relationship with jeno and jaemin. i mean, everyone can see that's a good one. ❝when i called you cute, jeno looked like he was going to kill me. i don't see you in that way. i have a fucking boyfriend.❞ mark ran a hand through his brown hair.

❝of course i know that you don't like me that way. i'm not stupid. well... when i tell you this, you cannot tell anyone this. or else, my life will be ruined and i will die.❞

the older nodded his head.

❝i'm in love with both jaemin and jeno.❞

mark's jaw practically dropped to the ground. ❝you're what? wait, wait, wait. let me get this straight. you love both jeno and jaemin, correct?❞ renjun hummed in response. ❝did you ever tell them?❞ ❝no. i'm too scared to.❞ ❝you're lying. how can you all be super close, acting like boyfriends, but you guys aren't dating?❞ mark was right. why are they so close?

it just started. out of no where, jeno and jaemin would hug renjun. it was just that until renjun had the confidence to hold jaemin's hand. no one complained nor talked about how touchy they are. hugging and holding hands were the only thing they got to. but, renjun wanted more. he felt selfish when he wanted others to know that he was theirs and theirs only.

they weren't even dating for fucks sake. did he want them to call him theirs? hell yeah. ❝i don't even know where it started. they would just hug me all the time and would hold my hand. it's complicated.❞ renjun showed a sad smile. ❝i'm sorry if i'm coming off noisy. i just kind of needed to know before i get killed by them tonight.❞ mark slightly laughed and rubbed his nape. ❝no, no, it's fine. you're... the only person beside sicheng hyung and chenle who know... you better—❞

❝i wouldn't. i promise,❞ both boys made their pinky promise to not talk about what happened today. ❝i have to go now. i have to take care of a delusional and sick donghyuck.❞ the older sighed, thinking about how hard it will be to talk sense into sick donghyuck. mark left and renjun was left in his thoughts. ❝i can't be thinking about these things. they aren't my boyfriends. huang renjun, get a fucking grip.❞ the chinese said out loud as he sat on the floor.

it was going to be a rough rest of the day for him. thinking about what jeno and jaemin were doing, he took his phone and walked out the door. locking his shared apartment, he ran. walk it off.


after renjun's long, extremely emotional, walk, he decided to stop at a new café. checking his phone, the time read 5:40 pm. as he looked into the café, he thought that he was going crazy. renjun saw taeyong. opening the door, he called to the silver-haired male. ❝taeyong hyung?❞

taeyong looked over at the entrance and saw the shorter. ❝renjun ah, what are you doing here?❞ taeyong asked while he handed a customer her coffee. ❝i was coming back from walk...❞ the chinese trailed off. he walked towards the counter. ❝at this hour? shouldn't you be with sicheng?❞ ❝he wasn't home.❞ the older hummed. ❝can i get you anything?❞ renjun checked his wallet and saw a few pennies. he looked up at taeyong. ❝uh...❞ taeyong laughed softly. ❝it's okay. discount.❞

taeyong quickly gave renjun a frappuccino. he sat down with the younger. ❝so, anything new?❞ taeyong watched renjun drink the frappuccino, looking like a little kid. ❝hmm... not really. everything's the same. what about you...❞ the chinese trailed off as he saw the older smile at his phone, knowing who is texting him. ❝and jaehyun hyung?❞ the taller blushed and looked away. ❝how did you know?❞ taeyong asked quietly.

❝hyungie, you're as whipped as i am. i can tell when someone is in love.❞

the silver-haired boy giggled softly and nodded.

❝we just started dating a couple weeks ago. it's like a dream. i-i never knew that he would love me back. i'm a terrible person.❞ renjun looked at his hyung as taeyong talked about jaehyun being in love with him. renjun could relate to taeyong a lot. even if he was older. the way he talked about him questioning what jaehyun sees in him, saying how he isn't the best person to love. he asked those questions too. but, differently.

would jaemin and jeno love him? do they see him as a good person? or are they just leading him on? he didn't have a single answer to his questions. the chinese boy smiled to himself thinking about how both korean boys held him as theirs. how they called him their little spoon.

he was truly blessed to have jaemin and jeno in his life.

sorry for not updating! i hav been busy getting from la to my house. anyways, i failed to get red velvet tickets :(
but, it's okay. i get to go to kcon and day6 :p finals!! i won't be active until friday and i will be updating a lot more now! thank you for all the support! ily 🥰💖


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