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❝jaemin, he isn't going to open the door.❞ jeno swallowed hard. his heart was beating so loud and fast. as jaemin walked up to the door, he spotted a big bag filled with alcohol bottles. ❝what the hell? why are there so many vodka bottles?❞ the two knew it wasn't sicheng. sure, he's older than renjun, but he's still underage. it couldn't be renjun's parents. they never come around. unless renjun had someone over.

❝i have to try once.❞ the younger boy knocked on the door. after a few seconds, renjun opened the door. ❝noona, did you seriously forget—❞ the chinese froze. his heart stopped beating, he felt like he was going to faint. ❝w-w-what are you doing here?❞ those words painfully came out his mouth. jaemin bit the side of his cheek. it was finally time he and jeno were going to get answers.

❝we came to get answers from you,❞ jeno blurted out. he slapped a hand over his mouth. he wasn't suppose to say that. shit shit shit. jaemin nodded. the older gulped and let the others in. the koreans signalled renjun to sit on the couch. his stomach was filled with pain and butterflies. ❝why? why did you leave?❞ renjun shivered. this was it. how he can tell them everything. how everything can be ruined. how they will being to hate him.

❝i saw you two kissing in the locker rooms. i dropped my bag and ran away. i ignored you the entire day because i couldn't deal with it. after everything i have tried, it just went to waste. i never liked chan and he never liked me. we thought liking each other would cure our problems. but, it didn't. i stayed away from you guys for a reason. i thought it would work but it just made everything worse. i pretended to like chan because i'm in love with both of you. i knew you would never see me that way. he asked me out, i said yes. when i told jaemin... he looked annoyed. he kept asking me why i left. i got so scared that he saw through me. i kissed chan. i told myself i loved chan. i got so upset... you asked me how the date went when you ignored me. i called you names i don't mean. i-i miss you both. i miss the way you two looked at me, the way i felt when we were alone. i miss being called your little spoon, i miss all the hugs. now, what i miss is going to be gone. i'm so sorry.❞

renjun felt tears fall down his face. what he wished never turned out to be real. his wish was to be loved.  his wish was to disappear. to leave all this behind him and return to china. jaemin and jeno stayed quiet. they didn't know what to say. renjun was in live with them? that whole thing with chan was fake this whole time? he missed them and their hugs? renjun kissed chan? ❝i got myself drunk when chan cut things off with me. my friend found me buried in vodka bottles. i never went to school because i didn't want to see you and jaemin, i couldn't. it's all my f—❞

jaemin cut the older off by yelling, ❝you got drunk? what the fuck is going through your head?! you're hurting your body--❞ ❝what did you expect me to do?! the guy i was trying to like just said he got into a relationship!! i tried everything to get over you two! nothing works! i wanted to leave! i wanted to go back to china and never come back!!❞ jaemin's eyes prickled with tears. he has never seen this side of renjun before. neither has jeno. the chinese wiped away his tears and choked a sob.

❝we love you. why do you think we flirted with you this entire time? we miss you. we miss your smile, your laugh, your lame ass jokes, we miss you with us. it's not complete without you, renjun. if you leave to china, who will be our spoon?❞ jaemin and jeno moved to sit beside renjun. jaemin crouched to met renjun's face with his. looking into his glassy eyes, jaemin caressed his cheek. ❝i just don't want you hurting yourself. i don't want to see you hurt,❞ ❝you're too beautiful to hurt yourself.❞ jeno added.

❝i'm sor—❞ ❝don't be sorry junnie. it's okay. we're going to be okay.❞ all three boys hugged. renjun quietly sobbed into jaemin and jeno's shoulders. he felt dizzy, like it's a dream. how could they love him? how would they be okay? there were so much questions running through renjun's mind. how will people accept them? ❝injunnie, will you be our boyfriend?❞ the chinese smiled. he nodded. renjun took a good look at his boyfriends.

the word boyfriends made renjun want to explode. having confidence, the older pressed his lips to jaemin's then jeno's. the others smiled at him. ❝i love you both.❞ renjun said. ❝we love you too,❞ the three boys ended up cuddling together on the couch. little did they know, yerim heard the entire thing. she smiled to herself. renjun might still be broken, but he has two people who love him by his side. ❝congratulations, renjun.❞ the girl whispered to herself as she closed the door.


the next day, renjun was at school again. of course, he had loads of homework from missing almost two weeks. but that didn't bother him. he was happy. though the chinese was still new this three way relationship, he loved it. he would also fanboy anytime nomin held hands or kissed. the rest of the friend group were extremely shocked. the three boys have never looked more happy.

❝so, like, what the fuck did i miss? i was here the entire time.❞ donghyuck slapped himself. maybe it was a dream where jaenoren get together? ❝babe, don't slap yourself.❞ mark held his boyfriend from hitting himself. ❝i guess they're dating. they're so cute together i'm jealous.❞ chenle pouted. jisung rolled his eyes. chenle could be so extra at times, which was all the time.

walking through the halls, renjun spotted chan with jeonghan and seungcheol. both made eye contact and smiled. they both were happier than they ever have been. maybe, just maybe, renjun and chan were bond to meet. fate can cause crazy things.

oh my god... this took forever. so, what do y'all think? i'm almost done with the book. 5 more chapters!  anyways, thank you all for the support in this book!


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