Chapter 1

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He left.

That was it.

Two minutes ago, he had left me. His kiss still lingered on my lips, His smell still ghosted the air, that was it, goodbye Hazza.

My fingers clutched the letter he had given me before walking into the black van with the other boys; he always did this when he went on tour, he always gave me a letter before he left with them. What he didn't know was that I kept his little letters, I still had the two from his other tours, and I hoped this one would be no different. His messy hand written scribbling out "I love you's" and our inside jokes. His sloppy signature at the bottom, and the little smiley face he always drew with the words "Remember me." next to it. It was his thing to do.

I walked back into the empty flat and opened up the little envelope, pulling out his letter.


Oh baby girl, it's that horrid time again when me and the lads have to pack up and tour. Its not all that bad I guess, I get to meet my lovely fans, and you get to concentrate and school.. Don't worry though, in six months I will be back. Only six months... wow.. Okay, now that I write out the number it seems to be hitting me how long that actually is. But that's okay, we do this every time, and we always manage to be alright,  so we will be alright this time. Take care of Felix when I'm gone, he deserves best.. Aha. I love you Riley, I really really do, six months Baby Girl, only six. I love you.

XX Harry           :) Remember me.

I smile and walk upstairs and into our bedroom, opening the small drawer in my dresser and putting the note inside of it. I turn around and let out a sigh when I see Felix, our cat, asleep on the bed. I grab my bag and sit next to the bundle of orange fur, pulling out all my Uni work. I run my hand through Felix's soft fur and quietly whisper,

"only six months."

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