Chapter9 Love or Death?

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~3 months later~


I gave them 3 months. 3 months so Zayn could fall madly in love with Ally. Tonight 3 months ago i had shot him. This time i will slit his throat kill him right in front of the boys, Keri, and Ally. My ally my true love. i look at my watch 2:23am i reach into my pocket. A cold silver blade touches my finger tips tonight Zayn will die.


"MOVIE TIME!" Yells Louis i open my eyes to find Niall, Louis,Liam,Keri,and Harry standing above me  i look at the clock "guy's it's 2 in the morning!" i shout Ally snuggles into my chest saying 'guys shut up I'm trying to sleep" Keri looks at me "come on one comedy movie please!" she begs i sigh rolling my eyes as they put on "White Chicks". I laugh at the movie here and their but fall asleep half way through the movie.

BANG! the front door swings open. Revealing some guy with bleached hair and glasses he looks like a complete nerd and I'm baffled until he pulls out a knife and i realize why he is here.

He had shot me 3 months ago. I get up he kicks me i fall, i get up and swing and hit him in the nose. He turns, blood running down his nose. By now the guys are up and Ally is crying as he kicks me to the ground and kicks my stomach, Knocking the wind out of me. "Allen please stop!"  Ally is calling "oh why are you scared i'll hurt your little boyfriend?" he spit's at her.


Some boy steps up i recall Zayn calling him 'Liam.' "look maybe we can talk this out?" i pull out the knife pointing it at Liam he steps back understanding me. I punch Zayn in the face his nose gushes blood. I grasp his shirt pulling him up leaning him against the wall. He kicks my knee i fall down i stare up at the angry boy with blood on his face i take my knife drawing it across his leg he falls to the ground in pain. Ally steps up to try and help Zayn but I get up draw the knife and cut her arm she screams in pain "ALL OF YOU UPSTAIRS!!" I shout the girls are the first to go, the boys stay their ground. I take out my knife and they leave. Zayn gets up i slam his head against the wall he falls to the ground unconscious.


"Flashing lights in my mind

going back to the time

playing games in the street

kicking balls at my feet

dancing on my toes

standing close to the edge

theirs a pile of my clothes at the edge of your bed

as i feel myself fall making jokes of it all

My solo is echoing in my mind images of memories with Ally and the boys flash through my mind I'm going to die. Suddenly my eyes open. Allen has the knife on my arm he draws it and i scream he laughs evilly he takes it up against my neck. i close my eyes and suddenly he is lifted off of me. I open my eyes and see no one other than Harry standing their with the emergency gun Paul had bought us. "Step away from Zayn' he says "and put the knife down" he says i cant help but think how much he sounds like a cop. Allen stares at Harry he lifts up the gun aiming directly at Allen "i said drop it!" he shouts. Harry is scaring me their is anger piercing in his voice, and his green eyes are firebombs. "Harry" i try to say but he cant hear me.


Ally is crying into Louis shirt and Keri is crying into mine Niall and Liam are holding each others hands (lol Niam!) i suddenly hear a bang and Zayn scream. I push Keri away running to Liam room under his bed is Paul's emergency gun. He put it in Daddy directioner's room because he knew Liam wouldn't touch it until needed. i enter in the code 5-23-14 it clicks open. i load it and rush downstairs. "Step away from Zayn" i say "and put the knife down' Allen just stands there "I SAID DROP IT!" I shout "Harry" Zayn says but I'm not focused on him, I'm focused on killing Allen.

I cock the gun when suddenly i hear sirens. Cops burst in trampaling Allen and nurses rush to Zayn. By now everyone is down stairs being examed and checked. Allen is escorted to a police car.

~3 hours later~

(Still Harry's POV)

Everything is quiet. By now Zayn is patched up so is Ally, Allen is in jail I'm assuming and I'm finally calm again. The gun is away back in Liam's room and everyone is just shaken up. I fell some one touch my back i quickly turn around. It's only Keri, "I'm sorry for scaring you Harry" she says i kiss her 'its okay' i say "i just wanted to say thank you" she says  running her hand through my curls i take my hands and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "it's fine, i actually have to go apologize to someone' i say remembering how i ignored Zayn while he was on the floor in pain. He's sitting on the couch Ally cuddled next to him asleep. I sit next to him "you never get a break huh?" i ask he look at me then back down at Ally and her patched up arm, blood already starting to show through the white bandage they used. "no i guess not' he says 'uh Zayn I'm sorry" i say he scrunches his eyebrows 'why?" he ask's 'well uh because i was kinda just so angry i didn't even like pay attention to you.' he laughs "Hazza are you serious?" he ask's i purse my lips and nod "pretty much yeah why?' i ask "you saved my life lad! its fine that you ignored me for a few minutes!" i sigh a breath of relief and smile 'alright good.' i walk up to the other boys who are just sitting at the table thinking over tonight's events. 'crazy night huh?' i ask sipping Louis's beer. They all just nod 'he pointed the knife at me" Liam says i could hear his voice tremble. "He cut Ally and Zayn" Niall adds 'you took a gun' Louis says "i really thought someone was going to die tonight." Liam says i nod my head "me too" i glance around the room at the boys and Zayn who is sleeping with Ally and finally at Keri who is just sitting on the couch looking scared. I walk up to her and kiss her lips 'trust me everything will be okay" i say quietly.

Suddenly the door burst's open.

A/N okay u guys are going to kill me with the cliff hanger but trust me it is noone! so uhh lol yeah im so tired but im staying up writing my wattpad friend Djfreshbeatss lol cant wait for her update did u guys check out her story amusments if not u really should lol i am hooked!! So once again same questions!! Should i delete My Life Turned Into a Fanfic and two any ideas on what should happen next?

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