Chapter 10: the girl with the red lipstick

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I follow Draco through a stone wall, which appears solid. However, when I run at it I don't smash into it. Instead I'm standing on a huge platform filled with hundreds of witches and wizards and owls flying everywhere. Nala immediately finds a group of cats and excitedly starts to play with them. Then all kinds of bells start to ring and a huge steam train appears in sight. I turn at my brother. 'Shall we?'
'Sorry Ophelia, I must find Grabbe and Goyle. It would be weird if you sat with us you know.' He sniggles.
'Y-yeah, ofcourse I...'
But he has already turned to meet with the two piglike boys. I wouldn't want to spend a second with them over ten galleons. I call Nala by my side and caress her pitch black fur.
'Everyone on board for the Hogwarts express'
Silently I enter with Nala in my arms and search for an empty cabin. Her funny complaints make me laugh. I attempt to enter a cabin, but someone stands in my way.
Before me stands a girl with pixie black hair, which stands out against her almost transculant skin and blood red lipstick. She seems to tower over me, because of her high black heels.
She isn't wearing any ropes, but a tiny black skirt with a green sweater on top. After finding my breath again I notice a green pin on her breast. Headgirl it says. Of course she is.
'Hi there. I'm Serafina Roseli and these are Lydia and Fee..'
At the last two names she waves her hand carelessly. I can almost swear she sighed too. Only now I notice the two girls standing behind her. They look like failed lookalikes.
'I'm Ophelia Malfoy' as I say this I look straight into her eyes. Smaragd green, shining like diamonds. They remind me of a forest, lit by the morning sunlight. Suddenly her eyelids hide them. She flinches, but soon recovers her flawless confidence.
'Yes I know. It's soooo nice to finally meet you.' the girls behind her nod enthusiastically.
She smiles warmly at me and then pulls me into a hug. The moment she touches me something strange happens.
An animal like growl sounds from behind me. Serafina abruptly lets go of me. Her face is even paler than before. Her mouth is trembling. And the forest in her eyes darkens while her eyes widen.
Slowly I take my eyes from hers and follow her gaze to two glowing green eyes. Instantly my muscles relax.
'Nala, shhh, stop it! She's friendly.'
I hurk before her and brush her fur. Her pulse changes at my gesture. Spinning she licks my hand.
'This is my cat Nala. She isn't very fond of strangers. Her response was rather peculiar, but she means you no harm.'
When I turn Serafina has her confident glow again. Her lips hurl in a somewhat forced smile.
'Duhh I know that. I adore cats. What a beautiful creature is she.'
Meanwhile the train has almost arrived at Hogwarts.
'You have to sit with us. Come on.'
Inside their cabin I realise her two minions still exist.
Although she is acting so kind and openly there is something about the air around her. It's an unpleasant, pressing kind of feeling.
Serafina looks at me sweetly and starts to speak 'Ophelia, you are very lucky, because I would like us to be friends. I, well we, invite you into our group. You won't be the new girl anymore, but the most popular girl at Hogwarts, well after me ofcourse.''
Glancing at Lydia and Fee I know that their group is not something I want to be a part of. It's not the friendship I value. A friendship, based on fear and insecurity at one side and abuse and superority on the other side, is not a friendship at all. A brush of air rushes alongside me and I can feel the hairs on my arms stand up.
'Invite me? As if friendship is a deal you can make? Sorry, but I have to refuse your "offer". I think I can choose my own friends quite well.'
Serafina seems to glow with fury and surprise, her forehead wrinkled and eyes narrowed. After taking a breath she rolls her eyes.
'You are foolisher than I thought you would be, considering your family name. Beware, you don't want me as your enemy.' Without giving me a chance to respond, she rises from her seat and walks out of the cabin, instantly followed by the two girls. Then suddenly she turns around and takes some kind of pose. 'Oh Ophelia, be an angel and pass a message to your brother for me. Tell him to meet me at our place.'
'I'm not an owl' I bring out in surprise.
Smirking, she turns around and orders the girls to follow her trough the cabin doors. I'm alone, again.
Confused I reflect Serafina's words. Tell him fo meet me at our place?? It's strange because I've never heard Draco mention her once. Not that we've been talking that much...or talking at all.
When I look out of my window I gasp.
A magical castle appears behind thick clouds in distance. I open the window and let the wind blow in my face. The wind feels so powerful here.

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