Chapter 11: Dumbledore's office

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Inside the castle the air feels warm on my skin, thanks to the great fireplaces everywhere. 'Yer must be Draco's sister miss, Ophelia nah?' I look up to see a giant man, his face mostly covered with a huge dark beard, tower over me. 'Uhm yes, I'm Ophelia Malfoy'
'Nice to meet yer Ophelia, Hagrid is mer name, keeper of ter keys. Headmaster Dumbledore ordered meh ter take yeh to his office.' While saying all this he's been shaking my hand, well my forearm really. Before I follow the giant named Hagrid I turn around to the crowd of students who are walking through the massive of the great hall. Draco makes eye contact with me for a brief second. The sight of me with the giant man seems to humor him, because his mouth curls up into a smirk. After sticking out my toungh to his smirkish face, I turn around and hurry to keep up with the man's big steps. After having climbed what seems like never ending stairs, the giant man, named Hagrid, takes out a pink umbrella to my great surprise and knocks on the bronze door, which is even bigger than him. Instantly te door swings open and Hagrid quickly hides the pink umbrella behind his back, almost beheading me with it.
'Hagrid, come through. Ah, you brought miss Malfoy I see.' After entering, I'm no longer looking at the huge back of Hagrid, but a richly decorated, round room. Beside Hagrid and I, there are four other people in the room. One of them is rising behind a huge desk. The man standing up has a long beard, spectacles, and is wearing purple robes. He seems wise and a rather odd as well. 'Don't just stand there. Come in.' He kindly gestures, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling.
'I'm Albus Dumbledore, headmaster.'
'A pleasure to meet you, though I must ask what I'm here for.' I shake his hand.
Dumbledore's face suddenly becomes stern. 'Lucius Malfoy has kindly suggested you should be given optimal guidance in your new environment. With some of that I agree, considering the gift your late headmistress informed me about after contacting her. Yes, Minerva?'
I turn to look at the four other people, whom I forgot about completely.
A woman in dark blue robes, with a stern face and grey hair in a bun, starts to argue with the headmaster in a serious tone. I don't hear a word they say since I'm too busy inspecting the other three in the room, who are whispering to each other. A man who seems to be completely dressed in black, with black hair, black eyes and a well not so happy look on his face is whispering something to a woman with spikey hair and slightly hawk like features. Suddenly the dark eyes of the man look at me and strangely he gives me a small smile. The last person is a tiny man with traditional clothes, a moustache and round classes, who is studying a book on Dumbledore's desk.
Soon I find out they are all professors and guardians of different houses as they introduce themselves. Professor McGonagall, for Gryffindor, professor Snape for Slytherin, madam Hooch for Hufflepuff and professor Flitwick for Ravenclaw. Professor Snape, the annoyed man in black, speaks first. 'Dumbledore, she is no doubt a slytherin like her brother. With that fact it is indiscussable that I will..' professor McGonagall interrupts his monotonous voice.
'Severus, she's no ordinary slytherin, it's not even certain she is one at all, and therefore shouldn't automatically be put under your care.'
Suddenly little professor Flitwick has joined the conversation. 'Professor Dumbledore, if you will take my advice, the only way to be certain of her house is to have the hat decide.'
Before I realise what's happening an odd smelling hat is placed on my hat and starts to talk, which everyone seems to find perfectly normal. To my great annoyens it whispers to me 'Cunning and brave. A great hearth, and ambitious. Loyal to those you choose to love. I see the potential to be great.' Yes, that's why I'm Slytherin mr. Dumbhat. I MUST be. My whole family is. 'Better!'
Professor Snape looks rather pleased.
Professor Dumbledore claps his hands
'Ophelia, I will assign professor Snape as your guardian. You may come to him with your troubles and most importantly he will look after you.'
Professor Snape nods once.
Professor McGonagall seems furious 'You think Severus is best fit to mentor a young lady? And keep her on the right path considering his..past?' The last sentence is a whisper, but I heard it. 'Minerva, not here. Yes, I sincerely think so.'
After another small argument professor Dumbledore continues with his next point
'Furthermore....ah, madam Hooch, on bases of the flying lesson reports from Lunamontes I've shown you, what do you propose?'
Madam Hooch steps forward 'professor Dumbledore, her flying skills seem in order. Far superior than other students in her year.' she looks at me like I'm some sort of gem and continues talking to professor Dumbledore 'She may follow flying class with the 7th year students.'
'Very well. Thank you, madam Hooch. Ophelia, if you have any questions I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.'
I shake my head 'I'm quite alright. I don't want to be any more trouble, professor. To be fair I think I can take care if myself quite good.'
For a brief moment professor Dumbledore's eyes seem far away. Then they lighten up again 'I assure you you're not any trouble, Hagrid will you see Ophelia out?
'Huh, oh..yes Dumbledore sir.' Hagrid quickly stands up after a loud snore from a lazy chair. When I walk out of the office I hear professor Dumbledore's cheery voice behind me 'We should all be getting back to the festivities! Minerva, would you care for a lemon sweet?' A disapproving 'no, I don't care for those.' follows.

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