/// chapter two ///

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L I L L Y //////

"Brixton Academy" The sound of a man's voice knocked me out of my light slumber, my eyes shooting open to see that I was still in the taxi, outside the venue with the taxi driver giving me an concerned and uncomfortable smile.

I had fallen asleep in the taxi. Awkward.

"Oh....thank you" I replied quietly with an awkward smile and glancing up at the metre, retrieving a ten pound note from my back pocket and slid it under the plastic so the driver could take it. I gave him one more thank you, him replying with 'have a good day miss' and hopped out the door.

I stood in front of the doors and gawping at how long the cues were already for the gig and it was still ten hours away also it was absolutely freezing; these were some hardcore fans! I tried my hardest to rush past the fans to get to the side door, I didn't want to cause any commotion.

"Lilly!" A female voice called out from behind me making me turn to see a group of three girls that had noticed me smiling, motioning me to go over to them. "Hi girls" I greeted them as I walked over to them, instantly recognising their faces.

They have been at every UK gig so far, what amazing fans!

"Do you remember us?" The red-headed girl asked with hopefulness in her voice, I nodded in response which made them all smile widely. "You'll have to forgive me but I can't remember your names" I apologised which made them all giggle lightly.

"I'm Cara! This is Ashleigh-" the red-headed one spoke then pointed to the blonde girl on her left who smiled what I returned, "and this is Hayley" Cara continued, pointing to the brown haired girl on her right who smiled timidly; she was clearly the more shy friend in comparison to the other two.

We conversed for about fifteen minutes, posed for some photos and followed them on twitter then I had to go inside since it was nearing half past ten due to being late from traffic and chatting. I said my goodbyes to them and made my way round to the side doors; carrying the gifts in a bag which Cara, Ashleigh and Hayley had asked me to give to the boys.

"Lilly! How are you?" The familiar soft tone of Adam's voice called out as I was let into the venue by the guards, Adam appearing in my peripheral vision with a grin on his face. "I'm great! How are you?" I responded after we shared a short but friendly hug.

"Tired but I'm surviving. It's great playing to ours fans every night" Adam replied with a genuine smile, I knew how much their fans and this band meant to them. We both walked in sync to the dressing room I'm guessing where everyone was, chatting about the usual stuff.

Only Ross and George were inside the dressing room, both slouched across the black leather couch; Ross was fiddling around with a bass guitar whereas George was typing away on his phone, his foot tapping against the floor along with an imaginary beat.

"Guess who's here...." Adam teased as he walked into the room and purposely hid me behind him making both of the look up with questioning looks before moving out the way, them both smiling as I strutted playfully into the room,

"Lils!" George exclaimed excitedly, jumping off the couch and pulled me into a bear hug, spinning me around resulting in me squealing childishly. "George" I grinned as he let me down from his grasp and wrapped his arm around my shoulder since he towered above me.

Me and George have such a good friendship, he has basically my best friend slash big brother for the whole year and a half that me and Matty have been together. Also because Matty and George are the closest out the band, although they are all very close.

"Where's Matty?" I pondered.

"He's on stage doing a sound check" Ross replied with a soft smile.

After saying my goodbyes to the guys I left the room and made my way towards the stage, my boots clicking against the stone floor as the sound of Matty's singing echoed in the hallways, my heart fluttering at the perfectness of his voice.

"I know you're looking salvation in the secular age but girl I'm not your saviour" Matty sang perfectly in tune as his fingers strummed the guitar, my eyes watching him from the side of the stage in pure and utter fascination.

He was wearing a loose fitted, black button up shirt with black skinny jeans and his signature black boots with his slightly curly hair flipped back, revealing his freshly shaved sides. I could see the tattoo for his nan on his chest and his cross necklace due to the shirt being slightly undone.

His eyes were closed and his head was hung low, moving back and forth as he continued to sing, his face scrunching up then relaxing mirroring the emotion he was pouring into singing.

I almost didn't want to disturb the perfect sight in from of me.

"The set is beautiful" I spoke aloud, glancing over at the brightly lit squares behind George's drum kit along with the smoke floating gracefully across the stage, watching Matty's head look up in my direction and smiling causing my heart to hammer against my rib cage.

"So are you" He spoke seductively as he lay the guitar on the stage and stood up, dusting off the back of his jeans and walked over in my direction before stopping directly in front of me.

He looked down at me, the tip of our shoes were touching because we were that close and I'm certain he could hear how hard my heart was pounding against chest because he started to smirk playfully.

A year and a half later and he still has the same affect on me as he did when we first got together.

"You're so smooth" I giggled shyly and fighting the urge to blush which I tend to do a lot; another thing that he loves about me. "I know I am love" He grinned cockily, twirling a peace of my blonde curls around his skinny index finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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