Chapter 14 Ronnie or Stein

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Picture on top is Varity bedroom

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Picture on top is Varity bedroom


She heard her cellphone go off ringing multiple. She groan pulling the sheets over her head. She sleepily reach her hands from under the cover and lowering the volume smiling to herself. "Much better." She whisper to herself.

As she was drifting back to sleep a gush of air blew off her blanket and she tumble with it. "Oofc" She landed on her back looking up to see a familar face. "Sorry..." Barry as he stuck out his hand. She took his hand but ended up falling ontop of him because the blankets were tangle with her feets. "Nice apartment." Barry commented at her while there faces were inches from each other. "Thank you but I'm pretty sure you didn't break into my place so you could tell me facts." She spoke with sass.

Cisco and Caitlin look at two walking in then at each other then back at them. "It not what you look like!" The two both said in sync. Varity roll off him.

She huffed "Little help here? " She squirm on the floor still tangle up. Caitlin came over untangling her from the blankets. She stood up next to them with her hair a mess and still in her long blue shirt. She cross her arms over her chest. Cisco spoke up, "We call you to see if you wanted to head to get coffee but you didn't pick up so we thought something happen..." He trailed off. "Cisco your my best friend so why are the reasons if I don't pick up?"

"Reason number 1 is if your on a business meeting."

"Mmhm keep going..." She held up a finger. "Reason number 2 is if your upset with me which is most of the time. Wait are you upset with me?"
She smack her forehead with her hand. "Yes Cisco if you don't tell me the third reason."

"Reason 3 is beauty sleep... Ooooh."

"I should kill you all. But sadly your my only friends."

"Ouch." Caitlin replied her hand over her heart.

"I'm coming since I'm now up with make yourself comfy in my living room I should be done in five minutes."

She put her hair in a small pony tail while the rest hung out and grab a pair of heels in her closet and slip them on. She walk further in to grab some rings and a purse and headed to the living room. "How much is your rent?" Cisco ask looking at the chandelier that hang on the high walls. "How much are scholarships?" She replied. Cisco blew out a low whistle. She smiled and look at Barry and Caitlin who were smiling at her. She headed toward her car keys and grab them. "Come on before I change my mind and this is a rent to own Cisco." She finish grabbing Barry hand and look at Cisco and Caitlin. "Why don't we do movie nights over here?" He follow behind "You never ask." She smirk.

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