Chapter 8 Silent Treatment

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Barry offer Varity to go to Jitters with him as that was her usual routine after she finish a modeling session in the morning. There was a huge line for coffee and Barry being Barry decided to take advantage of his speed and make everyone coffee.

He held out a caapuchino for her while she smirk grabbing the coffee. "Show off." He just smiled widely as they both chuckled together.

As they were walking to a park a random guy pull out a gun on them. "Dont try anything, wallet now" He directed his gun at Barry.

"Oh, this is awesome you've got to be kidding me. Hold on okay? I'm just going to put my coffee down." He set his coffee on the ground as the person directed his aim at her now.

"Barry he pointing the gun to both of us not just you." Varity spoke out above a whisper. "I mean this is crazy." He look at the stranger. "There are literally hundreds of thousands of people in Central City and out of everyone you could have pick, you pick me."

"What are you sick? Money now! Or I will hurt your girlfriend"  He pointed the gun to her face as she clutch the drink in her hands. "I mean if there was an Olympics for bad luck you didn't just medal pal you Michal Phelps."

"Im going to count to three and I'm gonna shoot her. One... Two..." She shut her eyes tightly. "Barry!?"

In a flash Barry grab her and took care of the robber. They then pop up in front of Caitlin, Cisco and her dad while Barry was holding his coffee.

She set her coffee down before erupting a sob as Caitlin quickly hug the trembling girl. "Barry what happen?" Cisco look concerned as Caitlin hush the small girl clearly traumatized. "W-we almost died!" They look at them wide eyed. "No you don't understand you had to be there."

"I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Barry." Wells look at him with a stern. "If your going to scold him about putting my life on risk you don't have to because he getting the silent treatment." Varity walk out with Caitlin who rub her back. "Oooh your in trouble..." Cisco whisper then catching up with the rest.

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