-Chapter 16: Red rain and blue tears-

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I couldn't do anything else but watch.

My mouth is desperately trying to speak, but there just won't come a sound out.

My legs are shaking, trembling, i feel like i'm about to collapse. Not able to calm them down, i fall down onto my knees, that hit the rain drenched wet concrete.

The only thing i can do is watch the flickering pictures of the scenery, that are running down like the credits of a movie in front of my eyes, as i whimper like a beaten dog.

His blond hair illuminates in the neon lights of the store, while the tips slowly getting dyed in red in a ruby red, as the puddle of blood slowly covers the asphalt.

Colored like roses, but it's filling the air with a strong metallic smell.

"N...n-no..." a tear runs down my cheek. It's warm, almost hot. It feels like it's slowly burning it's way through my skin. Like acid, it draws scars that don't come close to the one that was ripped into my heart.

It runs down my jawline and then drips from my chin onto the street, where it melts in with the dark puddles of the rain.

His limbs barely seem to move, as he's just laying there, staring up into the star covered night sky. The twinkling star spots look like diamonds that were dipped into dark blue ink, that seems to reach endless.

And down here it looks just like he's laying in a sea of roses. His blue eyes were shining like they used to do, but this time it was caused from the bright headlight of the car. The ocean in them seemed to have stopped moving and the waves came to an stop, as if all the life in them got blown out like the flame of a candle.

Still in shock i crawl over the wet asphalt, until i reach him, to shakily putting his head onto my lap.

When i placed his head gently onto my rain drenched jeans, he looks up at me with half closed eyes.

"...I...an...it's so cold..." he says, letting out a muted whimper.

I can feel my eyes become teary, as i clench onto his blood covered hand. His porcelain skin was stained in dark mud and the red liquid mixes gets washed away from the rain above, that is dripping down on us. 

"Liam!...e-everything will be okay...please...please...don't leave me..." My voice is breaking with every word i say, while i'm desperately squeeze his hand.

Looking down at him, i can see that he's trying to say something, but even though his violet tinted lips move, there is no sound coming from his mouth.

Only big tear drops start to run down his cheeks "...I...an..." a huskily whisper escapes his tongue.

I tighten the grip onto his hand and put it on my cheek.

"Help is gonna be on their way...you just need to stay with me!" I beg him, as i can watch his eyes slowly close and his hand loses it's hold.

He whimpers some words that i can't understand, while the tears keep running down his face.

"S...orry....i'm..s..ry..." he says with a shaky voice, that shortly after those words falls silent.

"No!! Liam! I beg you! stay awake! PLEASE...please..." I start sobbing. The pain in my chest makes it feel like it's gonna burst.

Tightly i'm hugging his head, as i'm rocking back and forth on the ground. The rain dripping from my wet hair tips, onto his angelic face.

I can still hear his unsteady breathing against my ear, as i feel his snow cold hands become even colder.

In the distance i can hear the sound of an siren, ambulance? police? help? i don't care what it is, just please save the person that i love.

As the blue neon light, lights up the dark street and let's the blood and rain glisten in a ruby and sapphire shine, It was already too late.

My little angel already went back to heaven...

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