-Chapter 20: Crumbling-

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-18 Hours before justice strikes-

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-18 Hours before justice strikes-

Only one hour after i took the call, he was found in his home, just sitting on his couch in the living room. He didn't even tried to run away. I guess he's atleast not a coward, but that nothing saying face of his, just feeds the raging beast that's been growing inside of me.

They brought him to the police station for the moment being. After they did some first surveys the police just stated it as an unlucky incident, until the judge makes his final decision.

"Unlucky they said!"  i yell, slamming my fists on the wooden table.

The water strikes waves as it moves in the glass like the raging sea. Reflecting the sunbeams into a split beam that is colored in the rainbow. Wordless the doctor looks at me with big eyes, but only pushes his gold rimmed glasses back up.

"Mister Anderson...i'm sincerely sorry for your loss and i understand the anger that' must been bottled up inside of you, but you're not in the condition to be involved in this case so i beg you to let the police handle it" he replies in his usual calm voice.

I didn't know what to say, no one seems to understands me. He never did in the first place, but why won't anyone help me.

The only one who ever understood me without saying anything was Liam, but he wasn't with me anymore. He was gone. And i was alone.

Piercing, burning, aching liquid acid starts dripping from my eyes, drawing deep marks into the flesh of my cheeks.

The tears, hot like melted amber.

He just silently looks at me and puts his warm hand on mine. It was warm...a kinda comforting feeling, that has been shared rarely with me. Maybe it's the reason i despite it that much, but in that moment, it felt like it touched a spot in my heart.

"Go home Damian...get some rest and if something happens the police will give you a call"  he calmly says, slowly taking his hand away.

I answer with a silent nod and wipe the tears from my face "I'll see you tomorrow doctor..."  i reply as i get up from the patted chair and leave the cozy atmosphere of his office.

Not soon after i arrive back at my apartment, the phone starts to ring. When i picked it up the police was on the other end of the line. They need an statement from an eyewitness and i was the only one they know about so far, so they invited me to come over to the station.

-12 hours until justice strikes-

"Please describe exactly what happened and what you saw, every little detail is important and can give us further information sir"  the stern police officer said. I wonder how many times he said that exact sentence to someone before.

I look down at the tape recorder on the table to dodge his eyes. The tape was slowly rolling onto the coil on the inside. His cold eyes were almost piercing, as he stares down at me. I feel like a criminal. I hate confrontations like this and the white walls and silence didn't helped with my anxiety. I started tapping my foot on the ground and start to speak. I didn't wanted to remember, but for Liam's sake i told him every single thing that i can still remember about yesterday night and then, with a click the tape stops turning.

"Thank you for your time Mister Anderson"  he says as he gets up from the chair and opens the door from the little room. "Please wait at the entrance. We're gonna discuss the final judgement with the judge now and inform you about it as soon as possible"

Wordless i get up from the uncomfortable metal chair that i was sitting on and head out of the room. I could feel his stare in my neck, as i passed by him and started to head back towards the entrance hall

"I'm stressing myself, it's probably nothing"  I'm thinking to myself, as i sat down in one of the empty seats.

I let myself sink into the soft fabric and glance down at my wrist watch. It was already 1pm. I haven't slept since i woke up in the nursery room yesterday. There was just too much going on in my mind. My eyes are hurting, but i can't tell if it's from all the crying or just from the lack of sleep.

Looking up at the bright white ceiling, i can feel how my eyelids slowly start  toshutting down, but i was too tired to struggle against it.

"how long...just how long till he get's what he deserves"  I mumble to myself, as i drift off into sleep. Into some peaceful moments, were my thoughts stop spinning.

-11 hours until justice strikes-

"Mister Anderson?" a gentle voice speaks.

I open my drowsy eyes. I must've fallen asleep, while waiting. Tilting my head down, i see a pretty woman in uniform standing in front of me. Her hazel eyes look at me with an apologetic expression.

"The officer told me to give this to you. I'm sorry for the wait sir"  she says and hands me a envelope. Hesitating i take the white letter out of her hands. The moment i look back up, she already was on her way out of the room. I didn't even had the chance to thank her.

I slide my fingernail along the opening of the envelope, to rip it open. Slowly I pull out the pear white sheet of paper that is inside of it. With an uneasy feeling in my stomach i unfold it and begin to read.

"Dear Mister Anderson..."


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