-Chapter five: Footsteps-

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As i woke up, i was alone

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As i woke up, i was alone. The gentle sun rays shine through the open door and light up the living room. I kinda wished, it would've stayed.




When i arrived in the seminar room and sat down at my usual spot, he was sitting a few seats away from me. I guess he really listened to what i said yesterday, somehow i feel a bit upset about it.

I mean i told him to stop bothering me, but i didn't think he would actually stop talking to me. I was just kinda, kinda, not sure how to react.

"Maybe i should apologi-...!" i quietly speak my thoughts out loud, as our glances meet from across the room.

Today his soft eyes seem rather sad, unlike the day before.

He quickly looks back at his papers, just as if he didn't notice me.

I gulp, my throat feels like there is a lump in it and my heart feeling uneasy out of unknown reasons.

"Dammit concentrate Damian..." I quietly mumble to myself. Staring at my papers, i try to continue to follow the talking of the professor as best as i could.




When the lecture ended, he was gone before i even had the chance to speak to him. Alone i walk down the long stairs, as i was heading to the cafeteria, when i suddenly spot him at the end of the hallway. I could see his golden locks flash out behind the corner, there was no doubt that it was him.

"...New guy!"  I yell, while i'm almost instinctively start to head towards him, but when i came closer i noticed that he wasn't standing there alone.

With him was a guy, taller then him and the opposite of his soft appearance. This guy seemed more of a rough or aggressive kind of person. The brought shoulders, made his opposite look even more fragile then normally and his dark brown hair, also made a huge contrast between those two, but neither his appearance nor the place that i found them surprise me. It was the fact that they are kissing.

"He's kissing a guy!"  I think to myself, as i speechless look at them, just watching the scenario from a few meters away.

"He's kissing a guy!"  I think to myself, as i speechless look at them, just watching the scenario from a few meters away

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"Liam..."  The guy silently mumbles under his breath, hearing that i snap out of my frozen state. My heart was hurting in a weird way. Clinging onto my shirt, i rush through the hallway passing them by quickly.

For a second i thought that our glances met again, but i actually hope he didn't saw me and the pain filled expression on the face of mine.

"What's wrong with me?!"  I yell, punching the wall of the hallway in one of the older buildings from the university. I skipped lunch, i don't feel hungry anymore.

Back here normally no one is hanging around, so i can let all my anger.

"I promised myself not to feel like that ever again...you promised the doctor Damian, the professor, you need to keep yourself together dammit!"

I bite on my lip in anger and punch against the wall a second time. Slowly my knuckles start to bruise up, till the first drops of blood start to run down my arm.

I stop, as i hear footsteps coming out of nowhere.

The sound is coming closer and closer, as it's heading into my direction. 

I widen my eyes as i see who's coming towards me.

"W-what are you doing here?"  I stumble in disbelieve of what i'm seeing, while the sound of sole hitting the hallway floor is echoing through the hallway.

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