-Chapter 11: Between ink and paper-

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It's been a few weeks since i stayed over at Liam's apartment

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It's been a few weeks since i stayed over at Liam's apartment. Finals have started and even though i would like to see him more often these days, studying and schoolwork is just getting into the way.  

Even i am spending most of my time in the university library. I feel more comfortable to go there, then to spend day by day studying alone in my apartment. Without him it started to get weirdly lonely and i got access to all the books i need for my studies right away, so it's a total win, but for some reason i feel like someones has been watching me the past days i went there. Besides the typical librarian and some model students i haven't seen anyone suspicious, so maybe my sanity is really just getting to me.

In thoughts, i head down the stone staircase that leads to the library. The light is warm and pleasant to the eyes, especially when you have to spend a long time reading. I head to one of the wooden tables and pull out one of the chairs. I place my jacket onto the chair back and put my backpack beside it. 

Rolling up the sleeves of my black shirt, i start to walk through the many bookshelf. The air is filled with the fragrance of fresh ink and paper, as well as a sweet and musky smell that wafts into your nose and lingers.

Searching for a a book, i continue my way through the alphabetic sorted bookshelves "D..E..F..ah!" I grab the thick bound book out of one of the shelve. In the emerged hole behind it, the shadow of a person quickly seemed to pass by, but as i glance through the gap i don't find anyone. With an unpleasant feeling in my stomach i return with my found back to the table and sit down. 

Opening the book, i try to focus onto the sallow pages that are filled with equations. Sighing i rest my head onto my palm, as i'm scribbling down notes onto my notepad, until a person appears in the corner of my eye.

"Is this seat here free?" They ask, resting their hand on the back of the chair.

"...Sure" I reply totally focused, not even bothering to look up from my work, while they pull the chair out and sit down next to me.

A  few minutes pass by and i start to notice the stare that i'm getting from the side, looking up from my papers and turning my head i look straight into Dylan's face that is looking at me patiently.

"Well hello there Ian. I thought you wouldn't notice me at all, working hard hm?" he says with a mocking grin.

"What are you doing here?!" I reply, as i  look at him with big eyes. I didn't expect to see him here out of all the people. I was caught off guard once again, but the surprise soon switched over to anger. Ready to face him this time, i can feel my heart beat faster.

"Oh...i just wanna talk with you about something~" he says, as he slowly trails his hands over the smooth table and lays it on top of mine.

I gulp, my whole body feels tense.

"What is it Dylan?" I hesitantly ask.

He leans back in the chair. "Is that blond guy your new boyfriend?"  He asks blankly staring at me with cold eyes. I could feel the tension start to build up.

"That's none of your business" I hiss at him with a glare. He immediately grabs my wrist and pulls me over the table.

"Listen, you're mine! so you better stay away from him, do you hear me" He growls in a stern voice, that's echoing through the quiet library.

Shaking i try to get out of his grip, by pulling my arm back, but his grip just get's tighter.

"D-Dylan...you're hurting me...!" I yell at him, almost whining.

He stares at me intensely without a word, until he finally loosens his grip on my wrist.

"Think about my words Ian..." he softly kisses the red mark around my wrist, before he get's up from the chair "or...next time it won't be you that i'm hurting"

Wordless i look after him, as he heads to the door that's leading out of the room. I look down at my arm and rub my wrist.

 "...Why can't he just leave me alone?" i mumble to myself, my eyes still teary from the pain.

Throwing my stuff into my backpack, i get up from the table and walk over to the counter. I smack the book iv'e lend onto it's surface, making the librarian stare at me.

"Are you feeling alright dear?" she asks with big eyes, as she puts a strand of her brown hair behind her ear, which reveals a golden earring.

I nod at her and rather quickly head to the exit of the library. When i pass by the glass door of the exit, i glance at my own reflection.

Looking at my pale face, i feel a little nauseous...

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