-Chapter six: Echo of the past-

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It's been two years, since i last saw him in person

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It's been two years, since i last saw him in person.

How can he be here, my mind is spinning. I thought i left the past behind, i thought we did.

"Why is he here?!" i thought to myself, as his footsteps stop directly infront of me.

I look up, seeing him looking down at me with a confidential smirk on his lips.

"Long time, no see Ian~" he calmly says, as he leans closer to me. In those last years he had grown even taller then i remembered him to be. I always hated that he was looking down on me like that.

"Well...i thought i won't see you ever again Dylan" I hiss at him, my back facing the white wall of the empty hallway.

He starts chuckling at my response.

"Haha feisty then ever, hm?" he leans closer to my face, giving me mocking and amused grin.

"We both know that you still can't let go of me" these words slip from his tongue so carefree that it filled me with anger. I clench my fist, planning to punch into the stupid faces of his, but just as i raised my arm he roughly pushes me against the wall.

I let out a cough, caused from the sudden push which gave me a hard time to breath. Just as i inhaled in to get my breath back, he already presses his lips against mine.

Surprised and gasping for air i try to shove him away, pushing his shoulders, but i don't stand a change. His grip was firmly pushing my wrist against the white wall. The more i struggled against it, the closer he moves, the rougher he kisses.

I couldn't help it. My face starts to feel hot and my cheeks become blushy.

Helpless i'm leaning against the cold wall.




The heat of his body slowly goes over to mine, giving me a feeling of weakness of nostalgia, that makes my legs starts to shake.

He seems to not have the intention to stop.

"...S-stop it...Dylan" Between his kisses i let out a quiet whimper.

Shortly after i said that, he pulled away from my lips, leaving a strand of saliva.

"You're acting like i'm doing something wrong" He says,  still being closer then an inch to my face.

I shiver by the feeling of his warm breath against my skin. Lightly panting through the lack of air i look at him. Probably still pretty flustered but also pissed i reply.

"That's because you did! don't ever touch me again!" i yell.

He just chuckles and softly blows some air into my face.

I flinch, squinting my eyes.

His firm grip starts to loosen and he moved away from me, leaving a weird cold behind.

"I guess we will see each other more often now, have a nice day Ian~" He says, before he turns around and starts walking away, back through the still empty hallway that he came from.

The only thing i could see when i opened my eyes, is his broad back and the waving hand of his, that seems like a mocking gesture.

My legs start to give in and i slide down the wall, were i end up sitting on the cold floor.

"...Fucking bastard! why can't he leave me alone..." i cuss, covering my blushy and tear filled face with my arms. This all feels too real.

 This all feels too real

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