Luke's POV

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Finally we're up to the fighting! Well, nearly. Hehe :)

If you're enjoying this story do let me know.

I will round it up in four more chapters, as I see now it has been going a bit slowly.

Then I will have more time to work on Caught My Eye and The Seven and The Camcorder! If you haven't read those two check them out now.

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He sighed as he finished strapping the gold armor to himself, taking a look in the mirror.


His usually nice dark blond was plastered to his forehead with grease and sweat. Luke’s grey eyes were dull with weariness, and the bags were just beginning to fade from under his eyes. He hadn’t washed his hair in two weeks, and last night was the first proper sleep he had had in a fortnight.


These were the effects of war preparation. It had taken a hard toll on all of the five, as they had not been on a strict plan like that in ages. Every day was ordered down to the very last minuted. It was exhausting.


Yet the Romans were still bustling with life as always. They were a well oiled machine, perfectly working in unison. The Greeks were a tad more spontaneous, and only took a day to prepare for war usually.


Luke liked it better this way, but he did miss the Roman life. It was simpler, structured and organised. You could never tell what was going to come next with the Greeks. It irritated him - he liked control.


Leaving his lodgings, he went and found his place in the ranks. It was fifth row back, as the Romans wanted to protect the five questors but let them fight at the same time.


Raven slipped up beside him, linking her fingers with his and kissing his cheek. They had grown, if possible, even closer in the last two weeks. Working side by side, practicing and fighting as a team. He smiled at her and gave her a wink. This made her blush as usual - he thought it was cute when she blushed.


In his other side Dalus stood. He was chatting and (Luke could tell) secretly flirting with Poppy. His cleverness and good looks usually won over the ladies, but Penelope Grace was a tough cookie to crack. She was a delicate mix of girly and tough, just Dalus’ type. Luke didn’t know why they weren’t dating already.


Then further along was Theo and Isla. Raven had confided in him her suspicions that they were secretly dating. Luke thought that was nice - Theo was a mainly solitary guy and needed someone to open his shell


A trumpet sounded, and everyone’s heads snapped forward. Bianca and Harry stood on a mound of dirt, elevated from the masses. Nearby Reyna and Nico watched on.


“Twelfth Legion and Greeks!” Bianca called out, her strong voice resonating through the air. “You have worked hard for this day, and it has come. We will fight, for our friends, families and home. We will win Camp Jupiter back!” The crowd cheered. “But” she continued, a hint of warning in her tone. “There will be deaths also, this is quite clear. I want you all to be brave and fight on! Beat those wicked monsters! We can do it!” This time the cheer was less loud. A few people looked upset.


“Now” Harry said. “Onwards Legion!” He turned on his heel and marched forward. The mass followed.


It was a long march, one that took all day and through the night, and another day and another night. When the sun was starting to dawn they arrived on the outskirts of the Berkeley Hills.


“I hope they’re not expecting us” Raven hissed anxiously. “What if this is a trap?” Not caring if anyone was watching, Luke kissed her full on the mouth.


“Stop worrying” he smiled. “I’ll be here with you. We can do this.” She gave him a weak smile in return, and turned to face the two praetors.


“Stay low” Harry hissed, before gesturing for everyone to move forward. They did so at a slow pace, creeping through the hills. Soon the sight of a large valley could be scene. Luke gasped.


There were monsters everywhere! At the forum, in the city, in the barracks. Everywhere! To make it worse, he thought he could spot a couple of giants. That made him feel sick to the stomach.


“Don’t give up now!” Bianca urged. “We can do this.”


She faced forward.

“Romans, charge!”

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