Theodore's POV

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Curse the short chapters!

Sorry about that, promise next one will be long! I am currently writing this at 10.30 at night, desperately needing sleep and trying to hide from my mother's watching eye.

To the two who created their characters - they will appear soon! Isla and Bella have not been forgotten :)

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Theodore’s POV


Honestly, it all seemed too much bother to him. Theo sighed inwardly as he bowed countless times while demigods cheered. Seriously, they were cheering as he was going off on a quest that could lead to possible death? Sounded familiar.


He ran his fingers through his curly hair as everyone finally leaved and his mother and father came to see him. Thankfully, although his mother looked quite pale, they didn’t beg him not to go, or urge him to. Instead they offered words of advice and even came with him to his room to pack.


At  the present Theo was living above the forge with his father in an apartment Dad had created one summer when he was pretty much living at Camp 24/7. That was before Calypso and Leo’s Garage had started up, and Theo had came along. Then the family had moved onto Manhattan Island, but Leo still came over for jobs at the forge, Currently he was working on a long term project, and Theo had opted out of school for six months to live at camp.


He climbed the staircase cut into the forge’s rock walls, and slipped inside the wooden door to the apartment. It was small with two rooms, one for washing and the other for living and sleeping. The living/sleeping area held a worn brown leather couch with a mexican blanket draped over it, a TV (made by his Dad) opposite. There were twin beds on both sides for the boys to sleep in. The washroom just had a large sink, storage and a toilet. They showered outdoors.


Theo reached his bed and ducked under. He dragged out a slim but large plastic container which held all of his belongings for the six month period. Clothes piled up on the floor, and he managed to find a tin of emergency ambrosia and nectar. Also, he slipped in a waterproof photo album with various personal pictures of family and friends. His special monster-proof phone was in his back pocket.


Just then there was a knocking at the door, Theo turned, it seemed his parents had left. Frowning but curious, he stood up and opened the door.


A breathless Sophie stood there, brown hair in a messy bun. Her green eyes were hard to read. Being a daughter of Hecate she was good at hiding her emotions.


“Here” she thrust a green backpack at him. It rattled as he caught it. “Sorry for the haste, but I need to be quick before you leave. And yes you’re leaving now” she added att his surprised expression. “Now this pack has all the essential supplies you need, can expand to fit, has a few tricks, yada yada. I could go on but you need to go. The others have packs too but in different colours. Also this.” She handed him a brown bead. “For you camp necklace. If you need to twist it twice clockwise and then close your eyes, Your appearance will be changed into what you imagine. It can be used as many times as you want. Now go! You need to leave now!” And with that she ushered him out the door.


They joined the others on Half Blood Hill. All their family had gathered. Theo hugged his parents, he would miss them.

Then the chosen five turned and strolled off to who knows where.

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