Chapter 12

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Two months had gone by since that day in the kitchen and he left to begin filming. At first when he left, he was calling me a few times a day, but as the weeks passed, it got to be less and less.

Lately, I was lucky if he called once a day and it was usually late and only to tell me goodnight. I knew he was busy and didn't want to seem like a whiny girlfriend that couldn't have her way, but I missed him terribly. It was just hard to be alone and not feel the way things seemed to be strained.

I was out shopping with a friend when I received a text saying that he would be home, but only for three days. He would fly in for the weekend and then go right out to finish up.

I went out and picked up all of the foods that I knew he would want to eat. The day that he was due home, he text saying he would be in around noon. I went to lunch with a friend, with the intention of being back in time for him. When I walked in the door, he was already home. He was in the middle of an interview and I poked my head in the door, to see him responding to a question. I didn't want to disturb him, but he smiled as he waved me over. "Come on in and have a seat, I'll be finished in a few minutes."

I nodded and sat in a chair across the room, looking at a magazine while he continued his interview. When he was done, I changed my clothes. He snuck in and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Sorry about that. I didn't know it would take that long, he asked if we could do it here so I didn't want to have to go back out. Did you have a good time today?"

"It was just lunch. You look tired, baby." I could see the bags under his eyes.

"I'm good, but I have a few people coming over to work on some music." He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Grabbing a T-shirt, he pulled it over his head.

"Oh yeah?" I really didn't know what to say. He's always nonstop and I was just a little annoyed that he was already planning to start on something else. I mean, he just got home and was already telling me that he would be working instead of spending a little time with me.
Staying upstairs, I kept myself busy reading a book that I had been saving. I took a shower and by five, I walked down to make him some food. He thanked me, but went right back out to work.

By midnight, I turned the lights off in the bedroom and felt myself growing more angry. After tossing and turning all night, I woke up the next morning only to roll over and find that he never even came to bed. Shaking my head, I walked down to see him asleep on the couch.

Quietly stepping into the kitchen, I made some coffee. I guess the smell woke him and he came into the kitchen and put his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep out here."

Kissing my neck, I could feel the anger melting away. "What are we doing today?" Hoping he would say nothing, I held my breath.

"Baby, Shannon is coming over in a few hours. We are going to be working on what I started yesterday." He let go and stepped back.

I tossed my coffee out after only a few sips and walked up to the bedroom, already pissed off. He went to take a shower and I pulled my clothes on. Grabbing my purse, I walked out the door.

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