New kid- Daniel Seavey

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Today is my first day at my new high school, my parents got a new job that forced us to move, and now I'm stuck at a brand new school. I'm in senior year so I only have to do one year here, but it'll still be terrible.

I walked into the front office and found a boy, around my age, standing there.

"Hi, I'm Daniel, I'll be showing you around the school," he said shyly.

"Hi, I'm y/n," I replied.

"Can I see your schedule?" Daniel asked politely.

"Sure," I answered. I grabbed my schedule from my backpack and handed it to Daniel, he took it and examined it for a second.

"We have the same classes for this semester," he said with a smile. "So if you just stick with me you'll be just fine."

"Ok, so where's Music?" I asked, music is our first class.

"Follow me," he said with a smile. As we were walking down the halls our hands would brush together once and a while, and a blush came to me cheeks, I looked down to cover it though. "You're pretty quiet, most of the girls I know never shut up."

"I'm just shy," I said quietly.

"Oh, well that's ok. Maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself," Daniel suggested.

"Sure, I'm originally from New York, I don't have any siblings, and I love playing instruments," I said.

"I like instruments too!" Daniel said. "Oh, here's the music room," he said as we stopped in front of a room. I walked in and sat beside Daniel, I saw some people give me weird looks but Daniel just smiled at me. How does this guy always smile? I think.

The music teacher started the lesson and I made sure to pay attention so I didn't miss anything.


I grabbed my lunch from my locker and brought it to the cafeteria, I found a table in the back corner and sat there alone. I scrolled through my phone until I heard a gentle voice.

"Can I sit here?" I heard. I looked up and saw Daniel there smiling, I nodded and he sat across from me. "How are you liking it here?"

"It's ok, it's still high school, what is there to be different?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah I guess," Daniel replied with a shrug. I started eating the salad that I brought and Daniel stared at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.


"Yeah, what's so wrong with it?" I asked.

"Nothing, but most girls from this school DO NOT eat salad, they usually have something like pizza or something like that. It's just, different," Daniel said. I shrugged then took  another bite. Daniel took out his lunch and started eating as well. We told each other stories from our childhood and I became really close with him, we became almost instant best friends.

Over the next few months Daniel and I were never separated, at school we always hung out and after school we hung out at one of our houses, I also became friends with his sister, Anna. He told me to meet him at the park after school, I wasn't sure why but I went anyways.

When I got to the park I found Daniel sitting on a bench, I sat beside him and he smiled at me.

"What's up Dani?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something, but you need to promise me that no matter what, it won't ruin our friendship," Daniel said with his head tilted slightly down.

"Nothing could ruin this friendship Dani," I explained.

"Ok, well I have feelings for you, I understand if you don't feel the same, but I just thought that I'd let you know," he said hesitantly. I thought about all of our times together and how Daniel would always make me laugh or smile, even when I was down. And I thought about how happy he made me. I guess I do have feelings for him. I thought.

"I feel the same way," I told him. I gently held his hands and he looked up with happiness filling his face.

"Really?" he asked surprised. He smiled his adorable smile and squeezed my hands as I nodded. "Then, y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course," I answered. I jumped into Daniel's arms and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back just at tight.

As the next few weeks went on Daniel and I had dates almost every night, they could be going out or just staying home and stargazing, but no matter what, we were always together. I loved Daniel more than anything and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

A/N here's a Daniel one for all the Daniel girl's out there!

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