Insecure - Corbyn Besson

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I have always been super insecure about my body, how I have wide hips, a small butt and boobs, and thick thighs. I've always hated my body and everyday I look in the mirror at myself and think about everything I don't deserve, my caring family, my friends, this life, and especially my boyfriend, Corbyn.

I lifted my shirt and looked at the small stomach hanging out because I just ate breakfast. I sighed sadly then looked at the rest of my body.

I stared into the mirror for a long time while looking at my stomach. I'm not skinny enough, I'm not thick enough, I'm just not enough.

I didn't even hear the bathroom door open before I felt Corbyn's arms snake around my waist. He pulled my shirt down and kissed the top of my head.

"Baby, you're beautiful, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said gently then kissed the crook of my neck gently.

"No I'm not, have you even seen the girls walking around LA? With their thin thighs, large butts and boobs, they have small waists and small stomachs, they're beautiful," I replied.

"They may be beautiful on the outside, but they might have the most rotten soul on the inside. But, you are beautiful inside and outside, that's what matters."

"I don't deserve anything that I have Corb, not my caring family, not my friends, I don't deserve you," I said as a few tears left my eyes.

"Baby, you do deserve all of that, you deserve the entire world, and if anything I don't deserve you. You're smart, beautiful, talented, kind, what else could you want from someone? You are enough, and when I say it, I mean it. You're beautiful, you're not just as beautiful as them, you're even more beautiful. You don't need to be perfect, to be perfect. You are the most perfect human being on this planet, and I love you so so much baby. You are my everything," he told me. I turned around and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back just as tight and he rubbed my back slowly. "You're so fucking perfect baby girl, I wouldn't trade you for the world." I hugged him tighter then pulled away.

"Thank you Baby," I said with a smile.

"Your welcome beautiful," he replied. He brought his lips down to mine and our lips connected smoothly. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he held my waist, bringing me closer to him.

When we both ran out of breath we pulled away and smiled at each other. "I love you so damn much baby," he whispered.

"I love you too baby," I replied.

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