Sick- Jonah Marais

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I woke up in my shared bed with my fiancé, Jonah, beside me, I looked at the clock and it said 2:00am. I felt the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. After a few seconds I heard Jonah come running, he came into the bathroom and ran to my side, he gently rubbed my back while holding back my hair.
When I was done throwing up I leaned back against the wall, completely exhausted. Jonah flushed the toilet then came over to me.
"Come on babe, let's get you to bed," he said in a gentle voice. I nodded but I was so weak that I could barely move. Jonah lifted me up into his arms and walked me back to our room, he laid me down on the bed then laid down beside me. He gently played with my hair and I faced him. "Do you need any medicine?"
"Could I just have some Tylenol?" I asked weakly.
"Of course," he replied. He gently kissed the top of my head then walked back to the bathroom. He came back with pills and water in his hands, he gave both things to me and I took the pills then put the water on my bedside table. Jonah laid back down beside me and pulled me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "Go to sleep princess," he whispered. I nodded then slowly drifted off to sleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up and instantly ran to the bathroom, I threw up again in the toilet and once again Jonah was rubbing my back and holding my hair.
"Oh baby, this isn't good," he said quietly. I finished throwing up and I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. Jonah walked me back to bed and helped me lay down again. Jonah tucked me in then put a movie on Netflix. "I'm going downstairs to make breakfast, I'll make you toast is that ok?" he asked gently. I nodded then he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Ok."
Jonah left to make breakfast and I slowly fell asleep.
I woke up to a gentle kiss on my forehead and gentle whispering. "Baby wake up, breakfast is ready," Jonah whispered. I opened my eyes and saw Jonah there with a smile. He handed me a plate with toast on it when I sat up and I slowly took a small bite. Jonah climed into bed next to me and started eating his breakfast. I laid my head on his shoulder and he held one arm around me.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"For what?" he asked.
"For taking care of me," I replied.
"Of course Baby."
I finished my toast then changed into leggings and a sweatshirt then brushed my hair and teeth and went back into bed with Jonah. I laid down beside him and we cuddled while watching Netflix for the rest of the day.
Over the next few days I kept waking up with stomach sickness then I'd take Tylenol and I'd be fine. It finally hit me, I might be pregnant. Jonah's not ready for a kid, we've had this discussion before, he's not ready and I'm not either, how will I tell him if I am? My thoughts were stopped by a gentle kiss on my temple, I looked over at Jonah with a small smile.
"Everything ok baby?" he asked gently.
"Yeah, I'm just going to the store really quick," I answered.
"No babe I can go, you just relax," he said.
"No it's ok, I want to get out of the house anyways," I said.
"Want me to come with you?"
"No I'll be fine, thanks though babe," I replied. I gave Jonah a quick kiss before walking downstairs to get my jacket on, I put on my shoes and jacket then walked out to the car. I drove to the closest pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test, as I was driving home I was shaking, I was so nervous for the results.
When I got home I slipped into the bathroom and opened the box, I took one out and took the test.
After about 5 minutes I looked at it, right across the stick said, positive. I almost fainted, what will Jonah think? I took a deep breath and put the box with the extras underneath the counter and I threw out the plastic bag from the pharmacy. I walked out to the living room where Jonah was and I slipped the pregnancy test into my pocket.
"Hey can I talk to you?" I asked as I sat beside him. Jonah turned off the t.v and faced me, he held onto my hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze, he always does this when I seem nervous.
"Of course," he replied. "What's up?"
"Well you know how I've been sick for the past few days, but only in the mornings?" I said.
"Yeah, what about it?" he asked. I took a deep breath and a few tears came out of my eyes, Jonah noticed and quickly wiped them away with a smile. "What's wrong beautiful?" he asked. I took out the test from my pocket and handed it to him, he looked at it for a second then looked up at me with a huge smile plastered across his face. "You're pregnant!" I slowly nodded my head and Jonah jumped off of the couch and started cheering. "I'm going to be a dad!" he shouted to absolutely nobody. He sat back down beside me and smiled. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.
"You're not mad?" I asked.
"Of course not babe," he replied.
"What about your career?" I asked.
"Family always comes first," he said with a smile.
"Ok, good," I replied.
"Why were you scared to tell me?" Jonah asked.
"Because we had a conversation before and you said you weren't ready," I answered.
"Babe, that was when we first got engaged, that was months ago, and even if you did get pregnant I'd make sure I'm ready, I would never leave you," he said.
"Ok," I said with a smile.
"Can we tell the boys?" Jonah asked. I laughed at his excitement and nodded.

*9 months later*

I'm sitting in my hospital bed holding our beautiful baby girl, Grace Merideth Frantzich. Jonah's sitting beside me in my bed and he has one arm around my shoulders. Jonah and I smile down at Grace and she held one of Jonah's fingers in her hand. I heard familiar voices and I looked up to see all of the other boys, they all came running over and I smiled at them.
"Can I hold her?" Corbyn asked. I nodded then handed her to him, he held her gently, making sure to hold her securely. I put my head on Jonah's shoulder and we both smiled. "I think I'm already her favourite uncle," Corbyn said.

"That's not fair, we haven't even gotten to hold her yet," Jack complained. I just laughed. She's going to grow up in an odd family.

A/N hey!! I decided to make this book bc I was bored🤷🏼‍♀️ but if you have a request  I need;
Your name
What boy you want it with
How the story goes (plot)
And the type (happy, sad, cute, etc)
That's it! Please send in requests!!

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