Lights out- Daniel Seavey

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I was watching my boyfriend, Daniel, and his band perform, I was in the front row. Daniel looked at me and gave me a small smile, I smiled back and he kept singing.

About 15 minutes later the lights went out, as stupid as it sounds I'm terrified of the dark. I started shaking because I couldn't see anything. A few tears fell down my face then I felt familiar arms wrap around me.

"It's ok baby," Daniel whispered. I hugged him tightly and my tears fell into his chest. He rubbed my back gently and kissed my head. "The lights will be back on soon princess," he said then started playing with my hair. Mumbles went around and some people turned on their phone flashlights so they could see a little bit. Daniel kept rubbing my back and playing with my hair for the next five minutes.

I pulled away from the hug and Daniel smiled at me. "Are you ok princess?"

"Yeah," I replied. He smiled at me then quickly planted a soft kiss on my lips. All of the girls around us were staring because we haven't come out to the public yet, I think they were staring the whole time but I don't care. The lights came back on and Daniel smiled at me.

"I'll see you after the show cutie," he said then hopped back onto the stage. The girls around me instantly started asking questions.

"Are you and Daniel dating?" a girl asked. I just smiled and nodded.


A/N I hope you liked it! I thought it was kinda cute🤷🏼‍♀️ what were your thoughts?

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