Chapter 4

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Present Day

The cab dropped me off at home and I walked into my nearly empty apartment. I had just moved into the building a few weeks ago and decided to buy all new furniture. My last place was quite a dump and so was most of the stuff in it.

Unfortunately, I'd been working on a job out of town and hadn't gotten around to decorating it just yet. It was so empty that there was an echo throughout the apartment when my heels clicked on the hardwood floors.

I dragged my suitcase down the hallway and into my carpeted bedroom. Picking up the heavy bag and tossing it onto my bed, I smiled at the thought of running into Jared again. Even though we dated ten years ago, he still looked amazing. He was polite and it was obvious that he had matured in the years we had been apart, but then again, so did I. Seeing Shannon, also brought back fun memories of a few outings where he and Sara were sort of thrown together. God, they really hated each other.

I had laundry to do and there was nothing in the apartment to eat. AJ hadn't even bothered to call or text and he knew I'd be back today. Slamming the refrigerator door closed. I hated the thought of having to make a grocery run, but had no choice if I intended to eat. Loading the washing machine, I headed out the door to shop. It was overcast and I knew it was going to rain later. There's nothing worse than lugging groceries up from the car in the rain.

I was almost to the store when my phone rang. Looking down at the screen, I saw Sara's name light up. I always hated trying to answer while driving. Shoving an earbud into one ear, I cheerfully greeted her. "What's up?"

"I see you made it home in one piece." She joked.

"Of course I did! It was a long trip, but I'm so glad to be home. I'm on my way to pick up some food since my fridge is totally empty."

"Sounds about right. You need a man in your life Carrie, maybe one who stays home and keeps the place up while you're gone." Her high pitched giggle and silly comment had me rolling my eyes. A guy taking care of me was the absolute last thing I needed. I mean, the one I have now doesn't even call or text. He didn't really care about me and I was sick of trying to make it work. "You still want to get together this weekend? Ryan's going to keep the girls if we decide to go out Friday night." We didn't get to see each other as much as we used to now that she was married and had children. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her life. Ryan was handsome and treated her like a princess. She was lucky and inadvertently shoved her happiness in my face.

I got out of the car, grabbing a little handheld basket as I shuffled into the grocery store. "Sure, I really could use a night out. How are the girls?" Hannah and Savanah were four now and looked every bit like Sara.

"They asked about you the other day. I told them that you'd be by to see them when you got home from your trip. Maybe we can take them to lunch one day while Ryan is working, if you're not too busy with AJ."

I gave her a fake laugh as I rolled my eyes. "That's hilarious, I haven't heard from his ass at all. I have a feeling I'll be single again real soon. Shocker! Anyway, tell my girls I miss them and that I brought them something from New York. I might pass by tomorrow and visit if you guys will be home." I had a few days off and was dying to see them. It's crazy that they are already four years old and would soon be starting school. Sara and Ryan married almost six years ago, but it seemed like yesterday we were having wild parties at their house.

Sara yawned loudly. "Sure, we will be here, you know that I have no social life anymore, Carrie. Yesterday Savannah got a hold of my scissors and cut some of her hair, so I cut Hannah's hair too, just wait until you see them. Ugh, these two can't be left alone for five minutes."

I was just about to answer her when I heard a voice behind me. "Wow, twice in one day, this has to be a sign." I turned around, stunned to see Jared standing there, holding a container of orange juice.

"Sara, I'll have to call you back." I disconnected the call without waiting for her response and shoved my phone in my purse. "Yeah, what are the odds?"

His smile was so cute as he leaned forward, reaching around me for a box of cereal. I would have gladly moved out of his way, but there was no time. His face was so close to mine and I felt my heartbeat speed up when his hand brushed my arm. "Apparently, the odds are in our favor. Have dinner with me, Carrie. I mean, we shouldn't wait so long to see each other again."

"I don't know. I have to finish shopping and go home and take care of some things." I knew I was just making excuses, but I really did want to see him. Would it be considered cheating to have dinner with another man? Why did I care anyway? It's not like AJ wanted to see me.

He smirked, juggling the juice, cereal and some fruit in his hand. "Okay then, make it six. Same place, you remember where it is?"

"I think so." For a split second I wanted to let him know that I was seeing someone, but I ended up keeping my mouth shut. We parted ways and I rushed around, gathering my groceries so I could make it home and put the least amount of effort in talking myself out of going.

I paced back and forth as I checked my phone again. My last text to AJ still hadn't been read and I wasn't waiting around anymore.

It was almost exactly six when I knocked on Jared's door. Shannon answered, his eyes widening as he checked out my black dress and heels. "Someone looks like they want to get fucked tonight." He was so cocky and self assured, but I was immediately attracted to him. That wasn't the case when I dated Jared years ago. I certainly didn't remember him being so flirty.

"Thank you, I think." I stepped inside, inhaling the scent of his cologne and admiring his outfit. He was really sexy.

"Jared's upstairs changing, why don't you come and have a seat." He licked over his bottom lip and when he turned around, I followed him. Moving to the couch, he disappeared only to return with two glasses of wine. Handing me a glass, he sat down next to me. I was still confused as to why he was here, but at the same time, it gave me a few minutes to catch up with him. "Carrie, have you ever been with two men before?" His question was completely unexpected and I choked on the smallest sip of wine.

"What did you do?" Jared frowned, watching his brother laugh.

"Nothing! I was just telling Carrie that we would be a threesome tonight at dinner." He narrowed his eyes and gave me a quick wink and a huge smile. I couldn't look at Shannon again, I was too embarrassed. Jared handed me a napkin and I just knew my face was bright red. Yep, this was going to be a long night.

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