Chapter 30 Jared

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Carrie stood up and I could already see how tipsy she was getting as she walked over to the window. Downing what was left in her glass, she stared outside. "Did I stutter? I said no threesome and neither of you will ever change my mind on that! Now, will that be a problem for you?" Her words slurred and she had gotten arrogant all of a sudden.

Getting up from my chair, I walked toward her, and couldn't help but laugh, noting the way she tilted her head back and glared at me defiantly. Making certain to press my chest to hers, I got right in her face as I spoke, determined to give her something to think about. "That one will require a little more consideration." I slid my arm around her waist and spun her until her back was facing the table. Looking past her, I glanced at Shannon and snapped my fingers. Right on cue, he moved behind her.

With her snugly wedged firmly between us, I watched her expression instantly change and she became flustered. "Don't you think that one needs a little more consideration?" I asked, staring at her full lips.

"Perhaps a demonstration of sorts?" Shannon added, pulling the hair from her shoulder and kissing along her neck. He was so fucking smooth. I'd watched him operate many times before and he never disappointed, making her entire body quiver. Jesus, the two of us together could do some serious damage.

Leaning forward, I caressed her lips, gently pushing my tongue into her mouth. Wrapping my fingers around her throat, I tilted her head back slightly, deepening the kiss and when my eyes opened, I could feel her body begin to relax. She moaned into my mouth and as we slowly started to move to the couch, she shoved me backward. "Stop! Both of you!" Shrugging free from Shannon, she stood there, holding onto a nearby chair for balance with her free hand. Her words were a little more slurred and she held the back of her hand to her head. "I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. You think you can change my mind, but it won't happen!"

"It nearly did. A few more minutes and who knows what would have happened." Well, Shan and I knew exactly what would've happened, she would have let us do anything we wanted to her. I couldn't help but frown in disappointment. What I really wanted to say was, 'Rules are made to be broken,' but had I done that, she would just assume I meant my rules as well, and that couldn't happen.

Carrie shook her head slowly. "No." Shannon was biting on his bottom lip and watching her intently. Now she may have been tipsy, but I could see the slightest hint of curiosity in her wild eyes. She was wondering what it would really be like. Narrowing her blue eyes, she pushed the few strands of hair out of her face. "No, it most certainly would not have. I have one simple rule and you WILL obey it."

Shannon laughed out loud. "Obey?" I love how bossy and unwavering you are right now, sweetheart, it kind of turns me on. However, I'm just saying that you shouldn't knock something until you try it." He stepped forward, moving toward her and she backed up a few steps. "Bet ya didn't have any idea where that little conversation was leading that night I asked if you had ever been with two men before." He walked her all the way back until her legs made contact with the cushions of the couch and she sat down. He leaned down so that he was eye level with her. "Or maybe you did and that's why you let me continue to tease the hell out of you." He took the empty glass from her hand.

"Stop trying to confuse me!" She was fighting to pull her dress down her legs.

I was frustrated to say the least. Speaking to my brother, I shoved my hands into my pockets. "She's a little too intoxicated for this. We cannot possibly make any feasible agreement with her in this state. Maybe both of you can just stay here-"

She huffed loudly, voicing her grievances. "And what, sleep between the two of you? No, thank you!" She rolled her eyes at me and I knew that most of her anger was aimed at me.

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